Protein 4 directly interacts with RNA in TiLV-infected cells. (A) TiLV-infected OmB cells were UV-irradiated or not and extracted according to the XRNAX method. Cross-linked protein-RNA complexes were further extracted from a fraction (interphase) enriched with these complexes and were treated, or not, with DNase or RNase. Complexes were analyzed by immunoblotting with αProtein4 antibodies. Reactive bands include free Protein 4 (∼38 kDa; asterisk) and a high-MW, RNase-sensitive complex (>250 kDa; rectangle). (B) TmB cells were infected (MOI = 5) with TiLV (infected), or not (naive), proteins were extracted from the cultured cells at 1 dpi and analyzed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. A pellet of TiLV virions was extracted and analyzed too (Virions). The majority of Protein 5 (calculated MW of ∼38 kDa) appeared as a slower migrating band (∼50 kDa), for both cellular and virions extracts. (C) The blot of Fig. 5A was reprobed with αProtein5 antibodies.