How often have the following occurred after reading about your mental health treatment in your patient portal? |
You thought of questions to ask your healthcare provider. |
5 (14%) |
6 (16%) |
20 (54%) |
6 (16%) |
You experienced significant distress after reading your medical record. |
19 (51%) |
14 (38%) |
4 (11%) |
0 (0%) |
You felt more knowledgeable about your mental health condition and it’s treatment options. |
4 (11%) |
3 (8%) |
14 (38%) |
16 (43%) |
You requested a change in the content of an after-visit summary or your provider’s visit or progress note. |
30 (81%) |
2(5%) |
5 (14%) |
0 (0%) |
You have found an error in your medical record and discussed it with your healthcare provider. |
28 (76%) |
6 (16%) |
2 (5%) |
1 (3%) |
You were better able to take your medications as prescribed. |
11 (30%) |
5 (13%) |
8 (22%) |
13 (35%) |
You gained a better understanding of your treatment plan. |
6 (16%) |
1 (3%) |
15 (41%) |
15 (40%) |
You ended treatment because you did not agree with what was written. |
32 (86%) |
4 (11%) |
1 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
You trusted your healthcare provider more. |
4 (11%) |
2 (5%) |
16 (43%) |
15 (41%) |
You were better prepared for your appointments. |
3 (8%) |
3 (8%) |
19 (51.5%) |
12 (32.5%) |
You engaged in negative and/or self-destructive behavior towards yourself or others after reading a visit or progress note. |
32 (86%) |
4 (11%) |
1 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
You felt more optimistic about achieving your treatment goals. |
6 (16%) |
3 (8%) |
19 (51.5%) |
9 (24.5%) |
You felt more in control of your treatment. |
4 (11%) |
4 (11%) |
13 (35%) |
16 (43%) |
You were able to better understand what had been discussed at an appointment. |
2 (5%) |
3 (8%) |
12 (32%) |
20 (54%) |
You felt comforted or relieved after reading your health information in the portal. |
4 (11%) |
5 (13%) |
15 (41%) |
13 (35%) |
Other-please specify (N=22) |