Fig. 6.
(a) Catalase KatA (HP0875, PDB 2A9E). (i) Dimer of dimer. (ii) Channel for H2O2.Yunnan-specific P160H by its entrance S451 drastically changes local conformation and surface electric charge (mutagenesis in PyMOL). (b) Flagellin, FlaA. (i) A view from the distal end of the 22-mer model of FlaA (MWE_0913) on G508A mutant of C. jejuni homologue (PDB 6×80) with four population-specific amino acid changes in two interacting monomers. (ii) Monomer with five domains. (iii) Population-specific amino acid changes. pse: pseudaminic acid. (iv) Surface electric charge change by E227R. (v) R227 interaction with a neighbouring monomer. (c) TlpD, chemotaxis receptor for HOCl. HP0559 modelled on PDB 3T9O, the regulatory CZB domain of DgcZ (E. coli).