Efr3, Ypp1, and Stt4 localize as cortical patches, with Ypp1 and Stt4 being critical for each other’s localization. (A and B) Strains expressing indicated 3xmScarlet fusions (Stt4-3xmSc, PY6193; Efr3-3xmSc, PY6197; Ypp1-3xmSc, PY6195) were imaged during budding (A) and hyphal (B) growth. Differential interference contrast (DIC) images, central z-sections, and maximum projections of 17 0.5-μm z-sections are shown. (C) Strains (WT, PY6197, PY6195, and PY6193; efr3, PY6136 and PY6142; ypp1, PY6138 and PY6144; stt4, PY6140 and PY6134) expressing respective 3xmScarlet fusions were imaged during budding growth, and maximum projections of 17 0.5-μm z-sections are shown. Bars, 5 μm.