Fig. 3.
FRAP analyses of CENP-H-mScarlet during interphase and mitosis. (A) Immunoblot analysis of cells in which endogenous CENP-C was replaced with GFP-fused CENP-CWT and endogenous CENP-H was replaced with CENP-H-mScarlet (right). In the cell line in the left lane, only CENP-C was replaced with CENP-C-GFP. The indicated antibodies were used for immunoblot analysis. An asterisk indicates non-specific bands. (B) Localization of CENP-C-GFP (green) and CENP-H-mScarlet (red). DNA was stained with DAPI (blue). (C) FRAP analysis of cells expressing CENP-H-mScarlet during interphase and mitosis. Left panels are images before bleaching. The boxed area was bleached, and signal recovery is shown at the indicated time points. The black scale bar indicates 10 μm. The white scale bar indicates 2.5 μm for magnified panels. (D) Solid lines display the means of quantitative FRAP measurements for CENP-H-mScarlet from at least three cells for each line. The colored area between the two dashed lines indicates the standard deviation for each time point