Fig. 3.
Long-term effect of prenatal stress exposure on EAE clinical signs and course. a Body weight and b clinical score of EAE animals monitored from DPI 0 to DPI 50 throughout the 4 phases of EAE course (onset, acute phase, recovery, chronic phase). c Body weight of non-immunized control and stressed animals from DPI 0 to DPI 44. d Cumulative disease score CDS, e day of EAE symptoms onset and f maximum score, CS max in prenatally stressed and non-stressed EAE mice. For all the analyses the data are expressed as mean of the examined variable ± SEM of n = 12 mice/group. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 vs. NO PNS/CTRL; @P < 0.05 vs. NO PNS/EAE (Two-way RM ANOVA with Fisher’s protected LSD)