Fig. 6. Lower novelty-related FC between the LC and the left hippocampus is associated with PACC5 decline.
Voxel-wise analysis relating NvR LC-FC and longitudinal PACC5 measurements: lower NvR FC between the LC and the left hippocampus is associated with decline on the PACC5. Inference was performed using mixed-effects models including PACC5 as outcome variable, NvR LC-FC contrast estimates, time, their interactions, age, sex and years of education as fixed effects, random intercepts for participants and slopes for time (number of years between baseline and follow-up cognitive assessments). The FC maps were corrected for multiple comparisons using cluster-extent-based thresholding (number of participants n = 128 and number of observations is 753; cluster defining threshold Z > 3.1, two-tailed p < 0.05, FWER-corrected). Abbreviation: HIPP hippocampus.