Table 2.
Authors (year) | Country | N | Men (%) | Age M (SD)/range | PG (%) | Suicide outcome | Results |
Bolat et al. (2021) | Turkey | 92 | 79.3 | 11.08 (2.1) | NR | Ideation | Positive association* |
Jeong et al. (2018) | South-Korea | 273 | 54.9 | Adolescents | 16.5 | Ideation, plans, and/or attempts | OR = 1.31 (0.51–3.37) ns, 1 |
Khalil et al. (2020) | Egypt | 584 | 41.4 | 16.1 (1.2) | 61.3 | Ideation | Positive association** |
Kim et al. (2017) | South-Korea | 1,401 | 67.6 (PG), 70.1 (non-PG) | 27.5 (8.3, PG), 33.6 (11.8, non-PG) | 7.7 | Ideation, plans, and attempts |
OR suicide ideation = 3.03 (CI = 2.00–4.601)***, 1 OR suicide plans = 10.27 (CI = 5.56–18.96)***, 1 OR suicide attempts = 5.45 (CI = 2.94–10.10)***, 1 |
Lee & Ham (2018) | South-Korea | 860 | 46.5 | 12–16 | 25.0 | Ideation |
β = 0.104***, a β = 0.079**, b β = 0.081**, c |
Merelle et al. (2017) | The Netherlands | 21,053 | 49.4 | 14.4 (1.3) | 5.7 | Ideation |
OR = 2.12 (CI = 1.86–2.41)** OR = 2.06 (CI = 1.75–2.42)**, d OR = 2.28 (CI = 1.96–2.65)**, e |
Rehbein et al. (2010) | Germany | 44,610 | 51.3 | 15.3 (0.7) | 4.5 | Ideation | OR = 5.64 (CI = 3.53–8.99)**, 1 |
Severo et al. (2020) | Brasil | 555 | 57.5 | 20.3 (5.4) | 38.2 | Ideation |
OR = 2.49 (CI = 1.28–4.83)**, 1 OR = 0.73 (CI = 0.27–2.02)ns, f |
Soares et al. (2020) | Brasil | 6,026 | 44.7 | 16.5 (1.2) | NR | Ideation |
OR (boys) = 1.08 (CI = 0.96–1.21)ns OR (girls) = 1.26 (CI = 1.13–1.40)*** OR (girls) = 1.26 (CI = 0.93–1.30)ns, g |
Strittmatter et al. (2015) | Estonia, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Spain | 8,807 | 44.5 | 15.0 (1.3) | 3.6 | Ideation + attempts | OR = 4.23*** |
Wenzel et al. (2009) | Norway | 3,405 | 51.1 | 16–74 | 2.2 | Ideation | OR = 8.30 (CI = 2.50–22.65)***, 1 |
Yu et al. (2020) | China | 1,066 | 56.5 | 13.0 (NR) | 13.6 | Ideation |
OR = 2.78 (CI = 1.94–3.98)*** OR = 3.09 (CI = 2.10–4.54)***, h |
Notes. nsNot significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. 1OR were calculated for the purpose of the current review. M mean, SD standard deviation, PG problem gaming, NR not reported, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval. aAdjusted for: gender, grades, academic achievement, health, sleep disturbance, drug use, destructive behaviour/robbery, violent behaviour (inflictor), and depression, bAdjusted for: a + source of stress, violence (victim), alienation, and teasing/harassment, cAdjusted for: a + b + school location and satisfaction with school life, dAdjusted for: age, gender, educational level, ethnicity, and family type, eAdjusted for: the most significant covariates, fAdjusted for: gender, age, education, family income, social anxiety, sleep, depression, and perceived academic achievement, gAdjusted for: age and maternal educational level, hAdjusted for: sex, age, mother‘s education level, father‘s educational level, perceived family financial condition, residence identity, family type, and living arrangements. |