Method used for macroscopic impedance measurements and numerical simulations in different preparations. (A) Scheme of the experimental setup. Left: Two borosilicate micropipettes with silver-chloride electrodes and a ground electrode are placed in the ACSF solution. One electrode is used in whole-cell configuration to send white-noise current and simultaneously measure the voltage response of the recorded neuron (acquisition sampling rate: 50 kHz); the other electrode used as a reference is located 5 to 10 μm away from the recorded neuron. Middle: Frozen Gaussian white noise (amplitude: ± 5 to 20 pA; duration: 20 s) is injected repeatedly into patched neurons. Right: Fourier modulus of the injected current as a function of frequency confirms that each frequency from 0 to 10,000 Hz is uniformly sampled. (B) Equivalent electrical circuit between intracellular and extracellular electrodes. (C) Equivalent electrical circuit between the extracellular electrode and the ground. Za is the impedance of the region defined by the isopotential surface passing through the extracellular electrode and the first isopotential surface that totally includes the neuron, is the impedance of the part of the soma included between and , Zd is the input impedance of the dendrite between surfaces , , and Zg is the impedance of the region between and the ground. where means “in parallel” and “in series.” To see this figure in color, go online.