Figure 2.
Impedance measurements in different preparations using a three-electrode setup. (A) Measurement in ACSF. Description of the (1) experimental preparation (no biological sample is present in the ACSF solution) with (2) an example voltage response and for neuronal recordings, the corresponding I-V curve with the linear fit in red and the window of the voltage amplitudes during the current injection in blue. (3) and (4) show respectively the Fourier modulus and phase spectra of the voltage difference between whole-cell patch electrode and reference electrode as a function of frequency. (B–D) same setup for different experimental preparations: recordings were made in primary cell cultures of striatal tissue (day 3 to day 10 after seeding) from neurons with almost no neurites (B), with extended dendrites (C), and from striatal neurons in acute horizontal brain slices (D). To see this figure in color, go online.