Caveolin-binding motif mutation inhibits Skm differentiation in human iPSCs. Wild-type human iPSCs were differentiated into twitching Skm cells (A and Supplementary Video S1) with typical striation structure in electron microscope images (C) and positively immunostained with anti-sarcomeric α-actinin antibody (E) and anti-α Skm actin antibody (G). Compared with the parental iPSCs, these induced Skm cells (iSkm) had dramatically increased mRNA expression of myogenic marker genes (I-N). RT-qPCR results are shown as mean ± SE. Student’s t test was used to compare the difference between WT and mCBM. ∗∗∗P < .001, n = 3. In contrast, mCBM cells lost this potential and failed to differentiate into contracting myocytes, as evidenced by morphology (B, D), immunostaining (F, H), and marker gene expression (I-N). GG in (C) stands for glycogen granules and MF for myofilaments. Panel A shares the same scale bar as Panel B, and so do the panels (E)-(H).