Fig. 6.
Simulation study comparing hazards ratio of recrudescence for AL against DP in children < 5 years in Africa. A There were a median (across 1000 simulation runs) of 8% new infections in DP arm and 15% in AL arm representing areas of low transmission. B There were a median of 15% new infections in DP arm and 30% in AL arm representing areas of high transmission. In both simulation settings, approximately 4% recrudescence was observed by day 63 on AL and DP arm. Data for AL was simulated based on the estimated hazard function of recrudescence in children < 5 years Africa, and for DP regimen the data was simulated based on the hazard function for those who received piperaquine dose greater than 48 mg/kg (See Additional file 1 for the functions used for these simulations). The dotted horizontal line shows the line of no effect (hazard ratio = 1). The simulation assumed 500 patients per treatment arms. AL = artemether-lumefantrine; DP = dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine