Biochemical characterization of the interaction between HOIP and IpaH1.4. (A) A schematic diagram showing the domain organizations of HOIP, HOIL-1L, SHARPIN, IpaH1.4/2.5, and UBE2L3. In this drawing, the intermolecular interactions of HOIP, HOIL-1L, and SHARPIN are indicated by black two-way arrows, while the HOIP/IpaH1.4, HOIL-1L/IpaH1.4, and HOIP/UBE2L3 interactions characterized in this study are further highlighted by red two-way arrows. (B and C) Analytical gel filtration chromatography analysis of the interaction between HOIP RING1 domain and full-length IpaH1.4 (B) or IpaH1.4 LRR domain (C). (D) The summarized mapping results of the interacting regions between IpaH1.4 and HOIP by analytical gel filtration chromatography; aa, amino acids. (E) Superposition plots of the 1H-15N HSQC spectra of 15N-labeled HOIP RING1 domain titrated with increasing molar ratios of unlabeled IpaH1.4 LRR domain. (F) ITC-based measurement of the binding affinity of full-length IpaH1.4 with the HOIP RING1 domain. The KD error is the fitted error obtained from the data analysis software when using the one-site binding model to fit the ITC data; DP, differential power measured by the ITC machine; ΔH, heat change measured by the ITC machine. (G) Overlay plot of the sedimentation velocity data of the HOIP RING1 domain (red), the IpaH1.4 LRR domain (blue), and the HOIP RING1/IpaH1.4 LRR complex (black); c(s), continuous sedimentation coefficient distribution; MW, molecular weight.