Social legacy from the Selenium Trial for Chagas disease: the project pamphlet (a), translation to English: Selenium project STCC, searching for innovations to the treatment of Chagas disease produced in 2015 to invite patients to diverse types of meetings that used a Trypanosoma cruzi model (b) and education activities that culminated with the organization of a new Chagas disease Association (c)—Rio Chagas Association logomark with affected persons (patients, families, and health professionals). (d–g) show images (d–f) and banners produced for the “Chagas Express 21” (Expresso Chagas 21), in its expedition version (d,e,g) and in the virtual version (f) developed during COVID-19 pandemics (f). (g) (original words in Portuguese are depicted inside the parentheses) shows an expedition banner indicating “food that are sources of Selenium” (alimentos que são fontes de selênio) as natural diet sources: Brazil nuts (castanha-do-Brasil), fish (sardinha, atum), chicken eggs (ovo de galinha), chicken liver (fígado de galinha), cream cheese (requeijão cremoso), black beans (feijão preto), wheat flour (farinha de trigo), bread, corn meal, cream crackers.