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. 2022 Mar 19;10(3):719. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10030719

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of the patients.

(N = 147)
Survivors at 28 Days
(N = 128)
Non-Survivors at 28 Days
(N = 19)
Age (years) 69 ± 16 67 ± 16 78 ± 10 0.001
Sex (F) 59 (40.1%) 50 (39.1%) 9 (47.4%) 0.62
Pre-existing comorbidities
Hypertension 89 (60.5%) 75 (58.6%) 14 (73.7%) 0.21
Smoking 31 (21.1%) 25 (19.5%) 6 (31.6%) 0.45
CAD 30 (20.4%) 25 (19.5%) 5 (26.3%) 0.49
Recent (<3 months) hospital admission 31 (21.1%) 28 (21.9%) 3 (15.8%) 0.54
Chronic steroids 32 (21.8%) 27 (21.1%) 5 (26.3%) 0.61
Immunosuppression 22 (15.0%) 18 (14.2%) 4 (23.5%) 0.57
HIV 0 (0%) - - -
Active solid cancer 28 (19.0%) 21 (16.4%) 7 (36.8%) 0.03
Active hematologic malignancy 16 (10.9%) 13 (10.2%) 3 (15.8%) 0.44
Chronic kidney disease 41 (27.9%) 37 (28.9%) 4 (21.1%) 0.59
Diabetes 34 (23.1%) 33 (25.8%) 1 (5.3%) 0.08
COPD 30 (20.4%) 24 (18.8%) 6 (31.6%) 0.20
NYHA IV heart failure 5 (3.4%) 5 (3.9%) 0 (0%) 1.0
Liver cirrhosis 5 (3.4%) 5 (3.9%) 0 (0%) 1.0
Recent (<3 months) trauma 6 (4.1%) 6 (4.7%) 0 (0%) 1.0
Recent (<3 months) burns 0 (0%) - - -
Vital parameters
Blood pressure
SBP (mmHg) 112 ± 26 114 ± 27 99 ± 19 0.017
DBP (mmHg) 63 ± 15 65 ± 15 56 ± 11 0.005
MAP (mmHg) 80 ± 17 81 ± 18 70 ± 12 0.006
Heart rate (bpm) 99 ± 20 98 ± 19 106 ± 23 0.04
Respiratory rate (bpm) 20 ± 6 19 ± 6 24 ± 7 0.03
SpO2 (%) 93 ± 5 93 ± 5 92 ± 7 0.40
Temperature (°C) 38.0 ± 1.6 38.2 ± 1.2 36.5 ± 2.6 0.001
AVPU scale
Awake 112 (76.2%) 101 (78.9%) 11 (57.9%) 0.05
Vocal 10 (6.8%) 9 (7.0%) 1 (5.3%) 0.8
Pain 5 (3.4%) 3 (2.3%) 2 (10.5%) 0.13
Unresponsive 20 (13.6%) 15 (11.7%) 5 (26.3%) 0.14
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 13 ± 4 13 ± 4 11 ± 5 0.05
Laboratory parameters
P/F ratio 286 ± 97
Missing: 16 (10.9%)
293 ± 93 238 ± 111 0.06
White blood cells (×109) 14.69 ± 9.40 14.35 ± 9.00 16.92 ± 11.82 0.52
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 12.1 ± 2.4 12.4 ± 2.3 10.5 ± 2.3 0.002
Hematocrit (%) 37.2 ± 7.0 37.7 ± 6.7 33.6 ± 8.0 0.01
Platelets (×103) 214 ± 128 212 ± 125 228 ± 145 0.55
Creatinine (mg/dL) 2.0 ± 1.9 1.91 ± 1.6 2.70 ± 3.22 0.27
Bilirubin (mg/dL) 1.1 ± 0.9 1.1 ± 0.8 1.2 ± 1.0 0.98
Final diagnosis
Sepsis-3, sepsis 109 (74.1%) 98 (85.2%) 11 (57.9%) 0.10
Sepsis-3, septic shock 38 (25.9%) 30 (23.4%) 8 (42.1%) 0.10
Positive cultures 75 (51.0%) 66 (52.4%) 9 (47.4%) 0.68
Gram positive 25 (17.0%) 23 (18.0%) 2 (11.1%) 0.53
Gram negative 29 (19.7%) 25 (19.5%) 4 (22.2%) 1.0
Fungal 3 (2.0%) 3 (2.3%) 0 (0%) 1.0
Multiple microorganisms 17 (11.6%) 15 (11.7%) 2 (11.1%) 1.0
Origin of infection
Lungs 57 (38.8%) 47 (36.7%) 10 (52.6%) 0.18
Urinary tract 35 (23.8%) 33 (25.8%) 2 (10.5%) 0.25
Soft tissue 7 (4.8%) 7 (5.5%) 0 (0%) 0.60
Gastrointestinal 21 (14.3%) 18 (14.1%) 3 (15.8%) 0.74
Joints 5 (3.4%) 4 (3.1%) 1 (5.3%) 0.50
Heart valves 1 (0.7%) 1 (0.8%) 0 (0%) 1.0
Central venous catheter associated/Bacteriemia 9 (6.1%) 8 (6.3%) 1 (5.3%) 1.0
Unknown 15 (10.2%) 13 (10.2%) 2 (10.5%) 1.0
Any 147 (100%) 128 (100%) 19 (100%) -
Ceftriaxone 38 (25.9%) 34 (26.6%) 4 (21.1%) 0.78
Piperacillin/Tazobactam 47 (32.0%) 40 (31.3%) 7 (36.8%) 0.61
Carbapenems 46 (31.3%) 40 (31.3%) 6 (31.6%) 1
Vancomicin 26 (17.7%) 21 (16.4%) 5 (26.3%) 0.1
Vasopressors 38 (25.9%) 30 (23.4%) 8 (42.1%) 0.10
Corticosteroids 32 (21.8%) 27 (31.4%) 5 (55.6%) 0.56
Conventional oxygen therapy 28 (19.0%) 18 (14.1%) 10 (52.6%) <0.001
Non-invasive mechanical ventilation 21 (14.3%) 14 (10.9%) 7 (36.8%) 0.007
Mechanical ventilation 24 (16.3%) 17 (13.3%) 7 (36.8%) 0.02
Renal replacement therapy 15 (10.2%) 11 (8.6%) 4 (21.1%) 0.03
Biomarkers at ED presentation
MR-proADMt0 (nmol/L) 1.93 (1.10–4.28) 1.79 (1.07–3.78) 3.19 (1.36–9.37) 0.03
PCT (ng/mL) 2.2 (0.64–12.3)
Missing: 8 (5.4%)
2.0 (0.6–11.3) 6.9 (0.8–15.3) 0.31
Lactate (mmol/L) 2.0 (1.1–3.3)
Missing: 32 (21.8%)
1.9 (1.1–3.3) 2.7 (1.7–6.3) 0.05
CRP (mg/L) 55 (16–192) 64 (17–197) 30 (8–98) 0.12
Biomarkers at 72-h from presentation
MR-proADMt72h (nmol/L) 1.41 (0.84–2.89)
Missing: 21 (14.3%)
1.29 (0.82–2.30) 4.31 (2.00–8.86) <0.001
PCT (ng/mL) 2.3 (0.58–12.2)
Missing: 56 (38.1%)
1.9 (0.6–11.5) 19.3 (8.1–26.3) 0.14
Lactate (mmol/L) 1.4 (0.9–1.8)
Missing: 123 (83.7%)
1.0 (0.9–1.6) 2.3 (1.6–5.7) 0.04
CRP (mg/L) 114 (51–194)
Missing: 55 (37.4%)
111 (54–190) 196 (33–279) 0.44
MR-proADM%change −26% [−53–(−3%)]
Missing: 21 (14.3%)
−28% [−55–(−8%)] 2% (−14–7%) 0.002
Severity scores at ED presentation
SOFA score 4 (2–6) 4 (2–6) 6 (4–7) 0.03
APACHE II 21 (15–26) 20 (15–24) 29 (23–37) <0.001

CAD = coronary artery disease, HIV = human immunodeficiency virus, COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, NYHA = New York Heart Association classification, SBP = systolic blood pressure, DBP = diastolic blood pressure, MAP = mean arterial pressure, SpO2 = peripheral oxygen saturation, P/F ratio = arterial partial oxygen pressure and fraction of inspired oxygen ratio, ED = emergency department, MR-proADM = mid-regional proadrenomedullin, PCT = procalcitonin, CRP = C-reactive protein.