scanning tunnel electron microscopy (STEM) observations
using three different detectors: bright-field (BF), annular bright-field
(ABF), and high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF). The incidence of
the electron beam is [110]L10. (a) Acceptance
angles for BF, ABF, and HAADF were 0–10.1, 10.1–79.5,
and 79.5–200 mrad, respectively. STEM observation for (b) single
or bilayer graphene and (c) trilayer graphene. (d) Visualization of
the interface of the FePd-side HAADF-STEM image by contrast adjustment.
The outermost surface atom of FePd was identified primarily as Fe
rather than Pd. (e) z-line profiles of the out-of-plane
direction obtained from STEM images in (b). z-line
profile averaged from the x-direction in the dashed
square area. (f) Schematic illustration of electron beam incident
direction to the step–terrace interface formed at the Gr/FePd