Figure 4.
Decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) in the MDA-MB-231 cell line. (A) ΔΨm levels were assessed by JC-1 probe; MCF10A cells with highly polarized mitochondria accumulate JC-1 dye in the mitochondrial matrix, forming bright red fluorescent J aggregates. Increased green fluorescence indicates decreased mitochondrial potential. (B) The JC-1 fluorescence was quantified as the red fluorescence/green fluorescence ratio in MCF10A (n = 7), MCF7 (n = 12), and MDA-MB-231 (n = 11) cell lines. Data were obtained from three biological replicates. The data were normalized with the values of MCF10A cells and are presented as mean ± SD. *** p < 0.001.