Table 2.
Range of parameter settings proven efficient in PEMF stimulation, divided according to different bone damage models studied.
Magnetic Field (Range) | Frequency of the Trains of Pulses (Range) | Duration of Each Session (Range) |
Overall Treatment Duration (Range) |
Osteotomic damage | 0.2–2.8 mT | 10–75 Hz | 2 h–24 h | 2–21 weeks |
Ovariectomy induced osteoporosis |
0.96–3.82 mT | 7.5–50 Hz | 40 m–8 h | 4–8 weeks |
Glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis |
1.2–4 mT | 8–50 Hz | 40 m–4 h | 4–12 weeks |
Diabetes induced osteopenia |
2–3.8 mT | 8–15 Hz | 40 m–8 h | 8–12 weeks |
Disuse osteopenia | 0.6–3.8 mT | 10–50 Hz | 40 m–8 h | 1–12 weeks |