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. 2022 Mar 11;12(3):435. doi: 10.3390/biom12030435

Table 1.

In vivo studies employed orthotopic models to assess the regenerative capacity of cell sheet transplantation in periodontal defect models, with or without biomaterials.

Author Cells Experimental Groups Additional Pretreatment Material Technique Experimental Setup Results
Nakajima et al., 2008 [99] HGFs FN-ALP sheet group, FN sheet group, control (no treatment in the defect), control (without immunosuppressant FK administration) None None FN matrix-based multilayered cell sheets of hGFs modified to express ALP (FN-ALP) Orthotopic model of
fenestration bone defects in rats
FN- ALP-expressing hGFs supported the regeneration of cementum-like, PDL-like and bone tissue, exhibiting superior regenerative potential.
Ding et al., 2010 [100] minipig PDLSCs Control group, HA/TCP group,
HA/TCP scaffolds +autologous pPDLSCs group, HA/TCP scaffolds + allogeneic Guizhou minipig
pPDLSCs group, HA/TCP scaffolds+ autologous heterogenic minipig pPDLCs group
None HA/TCP Cell sheet Orthotopic model of experimental periodontitis in minipigs Treatment containing either autologous or allogeneic pPDLSCs resulted in PDL-like tissue regeneration. The use of allogeneic cells did not result in immunological rejection.
Tsumanuma et al., 2011 [101] Canine PDLSCs, BMMSCS, and
Control, PDLC group, BMMSC group, APC
None Woven PGA, porous β-TCP and 3% type I
Three-layered cell sheets attached with PGA One-wall defects were surgically created
in dog
The PDLC group exhibited enhanced cementum-like and PDL-like tissue regeneration, exhibiting more dense collagen fibers and thicker mineralized tissue.
Wei et al., 2012 [75] PDLSCs Vc-induced autologous PDLSCs sheet group, UpCell dish PDLSCs sheet group, Gelfoam scaffolds/dissociated autologous
PDLSCs group (control)
Vc treatment Gelfoam scaffold Cell sheet Ectopic transplantation in nude mice, and orthotopic transplantation experimental periodontal lesions bone defect in miniature swines Vc-induced PDLSCs sheet group and UpCell dish PDLSC sheet group application resulted in significantly more bone/cementum-like tissue formation compared to control/Vc-induced PDLSCs sheet group was significantly better.
Zhao et al., 2013 [102] PDLSCs PDLSCs/PRF construct group, cell sheet fragments group, PRF granules group None PRF granules Combination of fragments from PDLSCs cell sheet and PRF granules PDLSCs/PRF granules construct in tooth reimplantation in dogs PDLSCs/PRF construct promoted PDL-like tissue regeneration and exhibited reduction in terms of inflammation and ankylosis.
Iwasaki et al., 2014 [103] PDLSCs Amnion group, PDLSC-amnion group None Decellularized amniotic membrane (amnion) None Application of PDLSCs -amnion in a periodontal defect model in rat maxillary molars Histological and radiographic analysis showed that PDLSC-amnion group promoted PDL-like tissue regeneration.
Guo et al., 2014 [86] Rat PDLSCs MCPs group, MUCPs group, MCPs/TDM group, MUCPs/TDM group None TDM MCP and MUCPs produced by MCS and MUCS In vivo transplantation of MCPs or MUCPs
into the imental pouch; periodontal defect model and in vivo transplantation of MCPs and MUCPs in rats
All groups promoted cementum-like and PDL-like tissue regeneration, but MUCPs group exhibited superior behavior in terms of mineralization and collagen fiber arrangement compared to MCPs group.
Cao et al., 2015 [104] hDPSCs Control group, hDPSC injection group, HGF-hDPSC injection
group, hDPSC sheet, HGFhDPSC
Adenovirus-mediated transfer of
HGF gene to DPSCs
None Cell sheet of adenovirus-mediated transfer of HGF 40 periodontitis lesions, three-wall intrabony defects, in the
1st molars of miniature pigs
HGFhDPSC sheet group was able to promote PDL-like tissue formation and alveolar bone regeneration similar to that of native tissue, whereas the other groups provided only limited regeneration.
Hu et al., 2016 [105] hDPSCs Control group, hDPSC injection group, hDPSC sheep group None None Cell injection
or cell sheet transplantation
Three-wall intrabony periodontal defects, in miniature pigs Both experimental groups effectively promoted periodontal regeneration compared to control. hDPSC sheet application resulted in significantly better bone regeneration compared to the hDPSC injection.
Tsumanuma et al., 2016 [106] Canine PDLSCs Control group, autologous group, allogeneic group None Woven PGA, porous β-TCP and 3% type I
Three-layered cell sheets attached with PGA Critical size supraalveolar
periodontal defect model in dog
Both autologous and allogeneic groups were able to regenerate bone, cementum-like and PDL-like tissue.
Yu et al., 2016 [90] PDLSCs Inflammation group, hypoxia group, inflammatory
plus hypoxic stimuli-dual-stimuli group, no-stimulus group, blank group, CBB group
Inflammatory conditions (inflammation), hypoxic conditions
(hypoxia), or a combination of both (dual stimuli) conditions
CBB Cell sheet Ectopic trasplantation model (subcutaneously) into the dorsal region, and orthotopic model with surgical creation of periodontal defects (3 mm × 1.5 mm) in nude mice Hypoxia group exhibited more bone formation compared to other groups, while cementum-like and PDL-like tissue formation was identified in the no-stimulus and hypoxia groups.
Guo et al., 2017 [107] PDLCs and DFCs Control group, DFC sheet group, PDLC sheet group P. gingivalis LPS-induced
inflammation microenvironment
None Cell sheet Canine periodontitis model (two wall intrabony defects), in dogs DFC sheet application was more effective in terms of bone, cementum-like and PDL-like tissue regeneration compared to the PDLC sheet.
Takewaki et al., 2017 [108] BMMSCs No graft, C-MSC in growth medium, C-MSC in OIM Osteoinductive medium (OIM) None MSC/ECM complex (C-MSC) Orthotopic model of class III furcation defect, in beagle dogs Both C-MSC and C-MSC-OIM exhibited formation of cementum-like, PDL-like and bone formation leading to the regeneration of the periodontal complex.
Farag et al., 2018 [109] PDLCs Scaffold group, decellularized cell sheet/scaffold group None PCL Decellularized cell sheet Rat periodontal defect model in the mandible (orthotopic) PDL-like tissue regeneration was observed in both groups. However, the group with the decellularized cell sheet presented higher detection of PDL fiber attachment with perpendicular orientation.
Iwata et al., 2018 [8] PDLCs PDL cell sheet group None β-TCP granules cell sheet Bony defects were filled with three-layered PDL-derived cell sheets and with β-TCP granules (clinical study) Improvement was observed in terms of bone regeneration and clinical attachment 6 months after application of PDL-cell sheet.
Yanget al., 2019 [94] DFCs and SHEDs SHEDSs combined with TDM group, DFCSs combined with TDM group, TDM group None TDM Cell sheet Subcutaneous transplantation into nude
mice and orthotopic implantation in Sprague-Dawley rats’ jawbone
Both SHEDs/TDM and DFCs/TDM groups formed PDL-like tissues, enriched in collagen fibers and fibroblasts, with arrangement similar to that of native PDL.
Vaquette et al., 2019 [110] GC, BMMSCs, and PDLCs Control group (no cells on scaffold), GC group, BMMSC group, and PDLC group None PCL Biphasic PCL scaffold consisting of
bone and PDL compartments combined with the cell sheets.
Dehiscence periodontal
defects in sheep
Bone, cementum-like and PDL-like tissue regeneration was observed in the BMMSC and PDLC groups compared to the GC and control group.
Yang et al., 2019 [111] hDFCs Blank group, cDFCSs group, TDMP group, HA/-TCPgroup, TDMP + cDFCSs group, HA/-TCP + cDFCSs group None TDM particles or HA/-TCP Cell sheet One-wall periodontal intrabony defects in beagle dogs The use of materials enhanced bone formation. The presence of DFCs promoted the regeneration of bone and PDL-like tissue.
Raju et al., 2020 [97] Rat PDL cells and osteoblastic cells PDL cell sheet group, MC3T3-E1 cell sheet group, complex cell sheet group (containing both cells) None None Cell sheet Ectopic and orthotopic transplantation in vivo in mice Ectopic transplantation of complex cell sheet resulted in PDL-like and bone tissue formation. Only complex cell sheet group was able to regenerate bone and PDL-like tissue similar to the native PDL-bone complex.
Jiang et al., 2021 [112] hPDLCs dHPDLC group, dHPDLC sheets loaded with
PCL/GE group (dHPDLC-PCL/GE), control group
None PCL/GE nanofibers and 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) nanoparticles Decellularized cell sheet Periodontal
defects (periodontal fenestration
defect) in rats
dHPDLC and dHPDLC-PCL/GE groups promoted new bone formation as well as PDL-like and cementum-like tissue regeneration compared to control. dHPDLC-PCL/GE group exhibited irregular and perpendicular fiber orientation in the regenerated PDL-like tissue.