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. 2022 Mar 9;11(6):932. doi: 10.3390/cells11060932

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics at admission of patients infected with COVID-19.

n = 61 (100) Number and Percentage
n = 34 (56) Number and Percentage
n = 27 (44) Number and Percentage
Women 17 (28) 11 (32) 6 (22) NS
Men 44 (72) 23 (68) 21 (78) NS
Age 56 ± 13 54 ± 12 59 ± 14 NS
BMI (kg/m2) 29 ± 4 29 ± 4 29 ± 4 NS
Temperature (°C) 36.6 ± 0.46 36.5 ± 0.43 36.7 ± 0.49 NS
Laboratory at the admission Median (Min–Max) range
PAO2 (58.5–67.1 mmHg) 66.9 (34–223) 67 (34–223) 66.4 (62–93) NS
PCO2 (30.4–40 mmHg) 31.7 (12.2–81.2) 32 (12.2–81.2) 31.6 (22–71) NS
PAO2/FIO2 (>164) 128 (26.8–299) 145 (26.8–281) 113 (30–299) NS
SpO2/FIO2 (>300) 138 (50–280) 157 (88–240) 128 (50–280) 0.007
Urea (<40 mg/dL) 16 (5.6–106.7) 29.2 (16–60) 30 (13–224) NS
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.90 (0.5–5.3) 1 (0.5–2.5) 0.8 (0.5–5.3) NS
Ureic Nitrogen (7–25 mg/L) 16 (5.6–196-7) 15.7 (7.5–36) 17 (5.6–106.7) NS
TC (<200 mg/dL) 136 (69–217) 140 (69–217) 132 (86–190) NS
HDL (mg/dL) 31 (14–60) 32 (14–60) 31 (14–45) NS
LDL (mg/dL) 70 (28–140) 64 (35–135) 79 (28–140) NS
DHL (mg/dL) 253 (124–515) 233 (128–412) 255 (124–515) NS
TB (mg/dL) 0.60 (0.12–4.10) 0.50 (0.12–1.3) 0.70 (0.33–4.10) 0.02
DB (mg/dL) 0.20 (0.10–1.20) 0.20 (0.10–1.2) 0.20 (0.10–0.8) NS
TG (<150 mg/dL) 133 (62–726) 137 (62–726) 133 (77–328) NS
Leukocytes (3.5–10.3 × 103/µL) 8.8 (2–25) 8.2 (2–14) 11.5 (3–25) 0.003
Lymphocytes (0.99–3.2 × 103/µL) 0.8 (0.14–9.6) 0.92 (0.42–9.6) 0.69 (0.14–8.2) 0.01
Platelets (150,000–500,000 × 103/µL) 244 (16–576) 226 (16–576) 254 (122–412) 0.057
Ferritin (11–307 ng/mL) 541 (147–2592) 513 (147–2100) 592 (175–2592) NS
IL-6 (pg/mL9) 67 (7.8–638.5) 30.2 (7.8–304) 94 (7.8–639) 0.003
Index N/L 11.5 (1–89) 10 (3–89) 13 (1–83) NS
D-Dimer (0–24 µg/mL) 700 (136–16440) 615 (136–5130) 810 (210–16,640) 0.08
CRP (1–3 mg/L) 146 (20–2450) 280 (20–1380) 146 (32–2450) NS
Comorbidities (%)
DM 6 (10) 4 (7) 2 (3) NS
SAH 5 (8) 3 (5) 2 (3) NS
Dyslipidemia 11 (18) 8 (13) 3 (5) NS
DM + Dyslipidemia 5 (8) 2 (3) 3 (5) NS
DM + SAH 5 (8) 2 (3) 3 (5) NS
SAH + Dyslipidemia 3 (5) 0 2 (5) NS
SM 9 (15) 6 (10) 3 (5) NS
Healthy Subjects without comorbidities 17 (28) 8 (13) 9 (15) NS
Normal weight 13 (21) 6 (18) 7 (26) NS
Overweight 24 (39) 17 (50) 7 (26) 0.06
Obesity 24 (39) 11 (33) 13 (48) NS
COPD 1 (1.6) 0 1 (4) NS
ECKD 2 (3.3) 0 2 (8) NS
Norepinephrine 18 (29) 1 (3) 17 (63) 0.0001
Enteral nutrition 26 (43) 22 (65) 4 (15) 0.001
Deaths 1 (1.6) 0 1 (4) NS

Abbreviations: BMI = Body mass index, HR = Heart rate, MAP = Mean arterial pressure, HDL = High-density lipoproteins, LDL = Low-density lipoproteins, TB = Total bilirubin, DB = Direct bilirubin, IL = Interleukin, N/L = neutrophil&/lymphocyte, DM = Diabetes mellitus, SAH = Systemic arterial hypertension, CD = Cardiovascular disease, COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ECKD = End-stage chronic kidney disease. FiO2 = inspired fraction of oxygen, PAO2 = Blood pressure oxygen, PCO2 = Partial pressure carbon dioxide, SpO2 = Arterial oxygen saturation, ECKD = End-stage chronic kidney disease, TC = Total cholesterol, TG = Triglycerides, MS = Metabolic syndrome.