Figure 5.
Treatments with Bioelectric Compounds and Pantoprazole or TMZ were Significantly Better than TMZ or Pantoprazole Alone at Reducing Proliferation in U87 cells and Changed the Cell Cycle Ratio Compared to Control. (A) Percent reduction in cells compared to control after 6 days of treatment. Treatments that were significantly more effective than TMZ alone are shown out of 42 treatments with brown stars. Treatments with pantoprazole that were significantly better than pantoprazole alone are shown out of 18 treatments with grey stars. Red shaded treatment corresponds to positive control that cannot be used clinically. Statistical analysis was conducted on the log2 of the fold change in cell number to control on day 6. ****: q < 0.0001, ***: q < 0.001, **: q < 0.01, *: q < 0.05 (one-way ANOVA with FDR post hoc analysis n > 3 biological replicates). (B) FUCCI cell cycle data at day 6. Increased red and orange fractions indicate cell cycle arrest at G1 or G1 to S transition.