Analysis of colocalization between PMP22 and Lamin B1 in Schwann cell nuclei. (A): Images of Wt and TrJ SC nuclei showing DAPI (blue), Lamin B1 (brown) and PMP22 (green) signals (B): Distribution of rho and tau correlation coefficients between PMP22 and Lamin B1 signals. (C): Distribution of M1 (fraction of PMP22 area in Lamin B1 area) and M2 (fraction of Lamin B1 area in PMP22 22) co-occurrence coefficients. Rho, tau, M1 and M2 were estimated employing Fiji Coloc 2 plugins with Costes p-Values > 95%. The respectively coefficient distributions are represented by bar diagrams illustrating the medians and 95% confidence intervals. Differences between Wt and TrJ were analyzed employing Mann–Whitney tests (* p-Values = 0.03, ** = 0.002, and *** = 0.0001 in 100 SC nuclei per genotype. Scale bar = 2 µm. Correlations and co-occurrence coefficient values indicate that PMP22 colocalizes with Lamin B1 in Wt and TrJ SC nuclei. The correlation (rho and tau) was significantly better in Wt than TrJ. The fraction of PMP22 area in Lamin B1 area (M1) was lesser in TrJ SC nuclei, while the fraction of Lamin B1 in PMP22 areas (M2) was the same in SC nuclei of both genotypes.