Occurrence and distribution of α-syn within U87MG cells and astrocytes. Representative electron micrographs of α-syn in astrocytes (A) and U87MG cells (B). In baseline conditions, a few scattered α-syn immuno-gold particles (black arrows) were found within the cytosol of astrocytes. In contrast, in U87MG cells, α-syn immuno-gold particles were abundant (red arrows). The representative distribution suggests that α-syn occurred within vacuoles in the cytosol of astrocytes, while it was uniformly dispersed in the cytosol of U87MG cells. Graphs report the number of α-syn immuno-gold particles within the cytosol (C), nucleus (D), and whole cell (E) within astrocytes, compared with U87MG cells. N = nucleus. Data are given as the mean ± SEM from n = 30 cells (astrocytes or U87MG cells) obtained in N = 3 independent experiments. * p < 0.05 compared with astrocytes. Scale bar = 0.11 μm.