Table 2.
Summary of the main results of AD studies reported in the present review.
Authors | Recording Type | Graph Parameters | Main Results (All Results Refer to AD vs. Healthy) |
Stam et al., 2007 [29] | EEG | PL C |
Stam et al., 2009 [39] | MEG | PL C |
de Haan et al., 2009 [38] | EEG | PL C |
Poza et al., 2013 [41] | EEG | PL C |
Wang et al., 2014 [25] |
EEG | PL C Global Efficiency Local Efficiency SW |
Vecchio et al., 2014 [40] | EEG | PL C |
Frantzidis et al., 2014 [44] | EEG | SW |
-SW ↓ MMSE ↓; SW ↓ MoCA ↓ |
Vecchio et al., 2016 [42] | EEG | SW | Pearson’s correlation:
Miraglia et al., 2017 [33] | EEG | SW |
Vecchio et al., 2017 [34] | EEG | SW | Pearson’s correlations:
Saeedeh Afshari and Mahdi Jalili, 2017 [24] | EEG | Global efficiency Local efficiency |
Vecchio et al., 2018 [45] | EEG | SW |
Franciotti et al., 2019 [27] | EEG | Degree In-degree Out-degree Assortative Coefficient |
Li et al., 2019 [54] | EEG | Degree C Centrality |
Vecchio et al., 2020 [55] | EEG | SW |
Miraglia et al., 2020 [46] | EEG | SW |
Cecchetti et al., 2021 [47] | EEG | PL C |
Majd Abazid et al., 2021 [49] | EEG | PL C Degree Efficiency Betweenness |
Kocagoncu 2020 [50] | E/MEG | SW | Pearson’s correlation:
Tait et al., 2019 [51] | EEG | SW | Pearson’s correlation:
Vecchio et al., 2021 [52] | EEG | SW | Pearson’s correlations:
Vecchio et al., 2021 [53] | EEG | SW |
The arrows refer to an increase (↑) or a decrease (↓) of the indicated parameters in AD patients. All results in the table refer to AD patients compared to elderly healthy controls, except when differently indicated. Abbreviations: EEG: electroencephalography; MEG: magnetoencephalography; PL: path length; C: clustering coefficient; SW: small-world index; MMSE: mini-mental state examination; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment; EO: eyes open; EC: eyes closed; NOLD: NOrmal eLDerly; MCI: Mild Cognitive Impairment; ROC: received operating characteristics.