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. 2022 Mar 24;17(3):e0265927. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265927

Table 1. Effect of Intervention on knowledge level.

Study number Author, year & country Outcome of interest Summary statistics (Percentage of mark/ Score by using mobile application (Mean±SD, P Value)) Sample size (I: Intervention; C: Control) Duration Effectiveness of mobile application
1 Bonabi et al, 2019, Iran [14] Change in knowledge level Mean knowledge score: Cont: Pre test: 8.17 ± 2.03; Post test: 10.43 ± 1.8 (P<0.001); Int: Pre test: 7.51 ± 1.7; Post test: 10.7 ± 2.1 (P<0.001) 107 (I: 57; C:50); Final evaluation: 86 (I: 43; C:43) 4 months Effective
2 Velasco et al, 2015, Brazil [15] Change in knowledge level Mean score in the intervention: Pre test: 4.8±3; Post test: 7.5 ± 2 (P = 0.000)
Mean score in the control:Pre test: 5.9 ± 3; Post test: 7.5±3 (P = 0.005)
66 (I: 33; C: 33) 2 weeks Effective
3 Clavier et al, 2019, France [16] Change in knowledge level Post test scores:
SCT: Int: 60±9%; Cont: 68±11%; (P = 0.006)
MCQs: Int: 18±4; Cont: 16±4; (P = 0.22)
62 (I: 32; C: 30); Final evaluation: 44 (I:22; C:22) 3 weeks Not effective
4 Noll et al, 2017, Germany [17] Change in knowledge level Average improvement in score (Immediately after learning): Group A: 3.59±1.48; Group B: 3.86±1.51; (P = 0.1)
After 14 days follow-up: Average decrease of the number of correct answers as follows; Group A: 0.33±1.62; Group B: 1.14±1.30
44 (Group A:22; Group B: 22) 45 min Effective
5 Samra et al, 2016, USA [18] Change in knowledge level Range of score in intervention (Out of 16): Pre test: 0–1; Post test: 0–12 (P = 0.01)
Range of score in control (Out of 16): Pre test: 0–2; Post test: 0–4 (P = 0.08);
Average improvement in score: Int: 5.4 points (range, 0–12 points); Cont: 0.5 points (range, –1 to +1 points) (P = .0286)
29 (I: 15; C: 14); Final evaluation 21 (I: 7, C:14) 8 weeks Effective
6 Albrecht V et al, 2013, Germany [19] Change in knowledge level Difference in Pre-post score: Int: 4.7±2.9; Cont: 3±1.5 (P = .03). 10 (I: 6; C: 4) 105 minutes Effective
7 Stirling et al, 2014, Australia [20] Change in knowledge level Pre test score: Int: 9.289 ± 2.265; Cont: 9.727 ±2.565;
Post test score: Int: 10.737±1.996; Cont: 10.424 ±2.437;
Difference in score: Int: 1.447, 0.384 (P = 0.001); Cont: 2.368, 0.436 (P = 0.12)
71 (C: 33; I: 38) One practical session Effective
8 Amer et al, 2017, USA [21] Change in knowledge level The mean grade on the standardized test: Int: 89.3±6.0%; Cont: 75.6±8.7%; (P < .05) 100 (C: 50; I: 50) 3 times visualization Effective
9 Kucuk et al, 2016, Turkey [22] Change in knowledge level Academic achievement score: Int: 78.14±16.19; cont: 68.34±12.83 (P<0.05) 70 (I: 34; C: 36) 5 hours Effective
10 Brown et al, 2018, USA [23] Change in knowledge level The increment in mean score: Int: 34% to 81%; Cont: 33% to 63%; (P = 0.81) 67 4 days Not effective
11 Lacy et al, 2018, USA [24] Change in knowledge level Mean Pre test score: Int: 75%; Cont: 74.7%;
Mean post test score: Int: 86.3%; Cont: 77.5%
36 1 hour Effective
12 Fernandes Pereira et al, 2016, Brazil [25] Change in knowledge level Mean score (Out of 10): Int: 8.14±1.67; Cont: 5.02±3.21
Error Average: Int: 1.83±0.5; Cont: 4.98±1.0
Average execution time (min): Int: 15.7±21; Cont: 38.9±4.3
100 (C: 50; I: 50) 4 months Effective
13 Putri et al, 2019, Indonesia [26] Change in knowledge level Mean difference in BLS knowledge: Int: 33.75±12.09; Cont: 25.41±10.93; P = 0.016 48 (I: 24; C: 24) NA Effective
14 Martínez et al, 2017, Chile* [9] Change in knowledge level Increase in score: App group: 16.2 ± 8.3 (P < 0.001); Control: 10.6 ± 11.7 (P < 0.001)
Difference in score between the groups: 3.5 (P = 0.22).
80 (I: 40; C: 40) 4 weeks Effective
15 Naveed et al, 2018, England [52] Change in knowledge level Average MCQ Score (Percentage): Int: 62.95±5.37; Cont: 56.73±5.18; P = 0.0285 20 (C: 10, I: 10); Final evaluation: 15 (C: 7, I: 8) Int: 1 hr; Cont: 2 hrs Effective
16 Kim et al, 2018, South Korea [53] Change in knowledge level Improvement in mean knowledge (Out of 23): Int: 21.24±1.74 to 22.18±0.76; Cont: 20.84±1.35 to 21.25±1.41
Mean Difference in Pre-post Knowledge: Int:
0.94±1.74; Cont: 0.41±1.04; P = 0.133
72 (C: 36; I: 36) Final evaluation: 66 (C: 32, I: 34) 1 week Not effective
17 Kang et al, 2020, South Korea [61] Change in knowledge level Mean Difference in Pre-post Knowledge: Cont: 0.02 ± 0.13; Exp 1: 0.15 ± 0.14; Exp 2: 0.11 ± 0.15; P = 0.004 86 (Exp 1: 26; Exp 2: 32; Cont: 28) 2 weeks Effective
18 Bayram et al, 2019, Turkey [54] Change in knowledge level Median First Knowledge test scores: Int: 18 (9–22); Cont: 17 (12−23); P = 0.441
Median Last Knowledge test scores:Int:19 (13−23); Cont: 19 (8–23); P = 0.568
118 (C: 59; I:59) 1 week Not effective
19 Fernández-Lao et al, 2016, Spain [55] Change in knowledge level Knowledge test (out of 10 points): Int:7.21 ± 1.988; Cont: 8.09 ± .921; P = 0.089 49 (I: 25; C: 24) 2 weeks Not effective
20 Lozano-Lozano et al, 2020, Spain [56] Change in knowledge level Pass percentage (MCQ): Int: 86% (43/50); Cont: 27% (15/55); P<0.001 110 (C: 55, I: 55) Final Evaluation: 105 (C: 55, I: 50) 2 weeks Effective
21 Bunogerane et al, 2017, Rwanda [57] Change in knowledge level Percentage change in knowledge:
Tendon repair theory: Cont:13.0% (P = 0.535); Int: 39.1% (P = 0.056)
Tendon repair technique: Cont:19.0% (P = 0.165); Int: 38.1% (P = 0.0254)
27 (C: 13; I: 14) Till post-test completion Effective
22 Wang et al, 2017, China [27] Change in knowledge level Base line: Int: 19.43±2.48; Cont: 19.04± 2.66;
Post test (2nd week): Int:24.18 ± 3.51; Cont: 20.02 ±2.53;
Post test (3rd month): Int: 23.61 ± 3.37; Cont:19.54 ± 2.67;
115 (I: 61; C: 54) 3 months Effective
23 Ziabari et al, 2019, Iran [28] Change in knowledge level Increment inmean awareness score: Int: 11.44 ± 2.37 to 14.88 ± 1.97, P < 0.0001; Cont: 11.38 ± 3.22 to 12.54 ± 3.04; P<0.0001;
Mean difference in BLS awareness score: Int: 3.44±1.48; Cont:1.16±1.51; P<0.0001
100 (I: 50; C: 50) 3 months Effective
24 Briz-Ponce et al, 2016, Spain [29] Change in knowledge level Pre–post test scores in intervention:
Pre test: 2.2000±1.3732; Post test: 3.6000±1.12122 (P = 0.031)
Pre–post test scores in control:
Pre test: 2.6667±1.54303; Post test: 2.4000±1.40408 (P = 0.157)
30 (I: 15; C: 15) 3 Sessions Effective
25 Golshah et al, 2020, Iran [30] Change in knowledge level Mean grade point:
Post test: Int: 15.57 ± 0.91; Cont: 15.39 ± 1.09; P  =  0.503
53 (I: 27; C: 26) 2 weeks Not effective
26 Salameh et al, 2020, Palestine [31] Change in knowledge level Mean difference in pre-post test scores: Int: 3.86±1.65; Cont: 1.5±2.21; P<0.000 104 (I: 52; C: 52) NA Effective
27 Kang et al, 2018, South Korea# [58] Change in knowledge level Mean HTN knowledge:
Pre test:Int: 89.4±5.9; Cont: 87.4±7.5; Post test:Int: 93.7±4.4; Cont: 87.4±4.7; P = 0.001
Mean DM knowledge:
Pre test:Int: 86.5±8.3; Cont: 84.9±6.8; Post test:Int: 91.0±5.7; Cont: 86.0±8.7; P = 0.009
92 [I: 49 (HTN: 21; DM: 28); C: 43 (HTN: 20; DM: 23)] 1 week Effective
28 Young Yoo et al, 2015, South Korea [59] Change in knowledge level Mean Lung test:
Pre test:Int: 6.7±1.0; Cont: 6.6±2.1 (P = 0.666);Post test:Int:7.4±0.8; Cont: 5.8±1.6 (P = 0.031)
Mean Heart test:
Pre test: Int:6.4 ± 1.2; Cont:5.7 ± 1.2 (P = 0.161);Post test: Int: 8.3±1.2; Cont: 8.7 ± 0.9 (P = 0.489)
22 (11 each cross over) 4 weeks Effective in one condition (Out of 2)
29 Kim et al, 2017, South Korea [60] Change in knowledge level Mean Knowledge: Pre test: Int: 8.69±1.62; Cont: 9.10±1.57 (P = 0.266); Post test: Int: 11.80±1.32; Cont: 11.84±1.48 (P = 0.899)
Mean Difference in knowledge: Int: 3.11±1.78; Cont: 2.74±1.86 (P = 0.379)
80 (I: 40; C: 40) Final evaluation: 73 (I: 35; C:38) 1 month Effective
30 Chung et al, 2018, USA [32] Change in knowledge level Difference in mean pre-post score: Int: 2.4% [–3.1 to 8]; Cont: 4.8% [0.3–9.4]; P>0.05
Post score: Int: 73.8% [69.2–78.4]; Cont: 74.1% [70.3–78.0]; P>0.05
37 (I: 18; C: 19) 4 weeks Not effective
31 Shore et al, 2018, USA [62] Change in knowledge level Median score of Pre test: 87 (IQR, 81 to 94); Median score of Post test: 100 (IQR, 94 to 100). 53 (single group) 3 weeks Effective
32 Deshpande et al, 2017, India [33] Change in knowledge level Mean score in SCT:
Pre test: 41.5±1.7; Post test: 63±2.4 (P < 0.005).
92 (single group) 1 year Effective
33 Man et al, 2014, USA [34] Change in knowledge level Mean total score (%): Percentage of correct answers increased after 12 weeks when compared to baseline (P = 0.205).
Mean confidence level:
Managing outpatient adults with major depression: Baseline: 4.214; After 12 Weeks: 5.364 (P = 0.048); Starting an antidepressant for newly diagnosed major depression: Baseline: 4.286; After 12 Weeks: 5.636 (P = 0.018); Choosing an antidepressant based on patient factors: Baseline: 3.642; After 12 Weeks: 5.273 (P = 0.010)
N = 14 (Single group) 12 weeks Effective
34 Liu et al, 2018, Taiwan [35] Change in knowledge level Average pre-course score: Overall: 27.50±15.83; Non-dermatology trainees: 15.38 ±8.03; Dermatology trainees: 39.62 ± 11.81.
Average post course score: Overall: 91.44 ± 5.92; Non-dermatology trainees: 90.77 ± 5.98; Dermatology trainees: 92.12 ± 6.02
26 (Group 1:13; Group 2: 13) 3 weeks Effective
35 Fralick et al, 2017, Canada [36] Change in knowledge level Improvement in knowledge score: Int: 6.2±2.1 vs 8.1±2.2 (P = 0.0001); Cont: 7.1±1.7 vs 7.5±2.0 (P = 0.23)
Unadjusted linear regression analysis: P = 0.006 [95% CI: 0.46, 2.48])
Adjusted multivariable linear regression analysis: P = 0.04 [95% CI: 0.10, 2.1])
62 (I: 32; C: 30); Follow up: 53 (I: 27; C: 26) 4 weeks Effective
36 Weldon et al, 2019, UK [37] Change in knowledge level Percentage of correct answers:
Pre test: Q1: 40%; Q2: 100%; Q3: 60%; Q4: 20%; Q5: 20%; Q6: 20%
Post test: Q1: 80%; Q2: 100%; Q3: 80%; Q4: 60%; Q5: 20%; Q6: 80%
5 (Single group) Till completion of post test Effective
37 Smeds et al, 2016, USA [38] Change in knowledge level NBME score: Int: 77.5%; Cont: 68.8% (P< 0.01); USMLE scores: Int: 225.4; Cont: 209.8; (P < 0.001); Cumulative GPA: Int: 3.3; Cont: 2.9; (P < 0.001); Mean MCAT scores: Int: 9.6; Cont: 8.9; (P < 0.01). 288 (I: 152; C: 136) 1 year Effective
38 Ebner et al, 2019, Germany [63] Change in knowledge level Mean Score of MCQs: Int: 30.2; Cont: 36.8 (P = 0.13) 66 (I: 33; C: 33) 1 week Not effective
39 Hirunyanitiwattana et al, 2020, Thailand [39] Change in knowledge level General asthma knowledge scores: Asthma knowledge in both groups improved significantly between pre & post test (WAAP: P = 0.135; ACA: P = 0.002)
Asthma action plan knowledge scores: No statistical difference in score between, or within each group
44 (I: 25; C: 19) 3 hours Effective
40 Baccin et al, 2020, Brazil [40] Change in knowledge level Mean grade: Pre test: 4.77±1.63; Post test: 8.49±1.27 (P<0.0001). 161 Final evaluation: 150 7 weeks Effective
41 Ameri et al, 2020, Iran [41] Change in knowledge level Difference in mean pre-post test score: Cont: 0.06 (7.69 to 7.75; P = 0.84); Group 1: 1.88 (7.71 to 9.59; P<0.0001); Group 2: 7.6 (7.5 to 15.1; P<0.0001) 316 (C: 106 Group 1: 105 Group 2: 105) 2 months Effective
42 Hisam et al, 2019, Pakistan [8] Change in knowledge level Score in the last professional examination: Int: 69±7%; Cont: 67±9%.
Average usage of application VS academic performance (P<0.01)
448 (I: 323; C: 125) NA Effective

ACA: Asthma Care Application; AR: Augmented Reality; BLS: Basic Life Support; BSE: Breast Self Examination; CI: Confidence Interval; DM: Diabetes Mellitus; GPA: Grade Point Average; Hr: Hour; HTN: Hypertension; IQR: Inter Quartile Range; MCAT: Medical College Admissions Test; MCQ: Multiple Choice Questionnaire; MD: Mean Deviation; NA: Not Available; NBME: National Board of Medical Examiners; RCT: Randomized Controlled Trial; SCT: Script Concordance Test; SD: Standard Deviation; SEM: Standard Error of the Mean; UK: United Kingdom; USA: United States of America; USMLE: United States Medical Licensing Examination; WAAP: Written Asthma Action Plan

* Indicates that the study reported final score of EUNACOM (theoretical practical exam of general medicine) as combined knowledge and skill score. So the same result is repeated in skill domain also.

# indicates that the study considered as 2 studies in meta analysis, as it is evaluating 2 apps