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. 2022 Mar 16;12(3):722. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12030722

Table A5.


SN Abb * Definition SN Abb * Definition
1 ACC American college of cardiology 42 IPN Intraplaque neovascularization
2 AD Alzheimer’s 43 KNN K-nearest neighbor
3 AHA American heart association 44 LBBM Laboratory-based biomarker
4 AI Artificial intelligence 45 LP Label Powerset
5 ANOVA Analysis of variance 46 LSTM Long short-term memory network
6 APG Acceleration Plethysmogram 47 LVD Large vessel disease
7 ASCVD Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 48 MCI Mild cognitive impairment
8 AUC Area-under-the-curve 49 MedUSE Medication use
9 BCVD Binary CVD 50 MI Myocardial Infarction
10 BMI Body mass index 51 ML Machine learning
11 BR Binary recursive 52 MLARM Multi-label adaptive resonance asso & map
12 CAC Coronary artery calcification 53 MLkNN Multi-label k nearest neighbor
13 RetiCAC Deep learning Retinal CAC score 54 MPH Maximum plaque height
14 CAD Coronary artery disease 55 MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
15 CAS Coronary artery syndrome 56 NPV Negative predictive value
16 CC Classifier chain 57 Non-ML Non-machine learning
17 CCVRC Conventional cardiovascular risk cal # 58 OBBM Office-based biomarker
18 CHD Coronary Heart Disease 59 PCA principal component analysis
19 CHD Chronic Heart Conditions 60 PCE Pooled cohort equation
20 cIMT Carotid intima-media thickness 61 PE Performance evaluation matrices
21 CKD Chronic kidney disease 62 PMCI Progressive MCI
22 CT Computed tomography 63 PPV Positive predictive value
23 CUSIP Carotid ultrasound image phenotype 64 PTC Plaque tissue characterization
24 CV Cross-validation 65 QRISK3 QResearch cardiovascular risk algorithm
25 CVD Cardiovascular disease 66 RA Rheumatoid arthritis
26 CVE Cardiovascular events 67 RakEL Random k-label set
27 DL Deep learning 68 #RC Risk classes
28 DM Diabetes mellitus 69 RF Random forest
29 DT Decision tree 70 RoB Risk-of-bias
30 ECG Electrocardiogram 71 ROC Receiver operating-characteristics
31 EEGS Event-equivalent gold standard 72 RRS Reynolds risk score
32 ESC European society of cardiology 73 SCD Sudden cardiac death
33 FH Family history 74 SCG Seismocardiography (SCG-Z)
34 FNR False-negative rate 75 SCORE Systematic coronary risk evaluation
35 FPR False-positive rate 76 SCMI Significant memory concern
36 FRS Framingham risk score 77 SMOTE Synthetic minority over-sampling tech.
37 GCG Gyrocardiography 78 SVM Support vector machine
38 GUI Graphical user interface 79 TPA Total plaque area
39 HTN Hypertension 80 US Ultrasound
40 IM Image modalities 81 WHO World health organization
41 IMTV Intima-media thickness variability - - -

SN: Serial Number; Abb *: Abbreviation; # Calculator; & Asso. Associative; Tech.: Technique.