A) Cytoplasmic fourfold view of part of the transmembrane domain (TMD) showing the movement of the transmembrane helices S3, S4, and S5 (arrows) into the lipid pocket while transitioning from RyR1-ACP/Ca
2+ open to inactivated conformations. No ordered lipids were observed in the open channel. Each subunit is displayed with a different color. (
B) Side view of the lipophilic pocket in RyR1-ACP/Ca
2+ open with overlaid lipid backbone extracted from the RyR1-ACP/Ca
2+-inactivated conformation, showing expected steric hindrance of lipid 1 and lipid 2 with S6 and S4, respectively, as indicated with asterisks. See also
Figure 6A, bottom panels. (
C) Side view of RyR1-ACP/Ca
2+ inactivated with resolved lipids. (
D) Side view of the lipophilic pocket in RyR1-ACP/EGTA, with lower resolution but foreseeable lack of steric hindrance between protein and lipids. Overlaid lipid backbones are extracted from the inactivated conformation. (
E) Side view of the lipophilic pocket in RyR2 closed at 3.27 Å resolution (PDB ID: 6WOU;
Iyer et al., 2020) with lipids resolved in a comparable conformation to that found for RyR1 inactivated. Corresponding residues of interest are indicated. The + sign indicates transmembrane helices of the neighboring subunit.