(A) Body weight change of control and Afa-treated rats. n = 8 per group. (B) Food intake per rat of different Afa dosage. (C) Percentages of different rash grade during Afa treatment. n = 39. (D) Representative photos of rat rash model induced by Erlotinib, Gefitinib, and Osimertinib. (E) CD11b, CD3 (T cell), CD68 (macrophage), and toluidine blue (TB, mastocyte) staining of skin from control and Afa-treated rats at Day 10. Scale bar: 100 μm. (F) Quantitative analysis of toluidine blue staining. The mastocytes were counted in 200 × fields (degranulated defined as eight or more granuli). (G) RT-PCR measurements of mRNA levels of inflammatory genes in skin tissues from Ctrl and Afa-treated rats. n = 5 per group. (H) Schematic of the strategy used to sacrifice rats at different rash grade. Data are presented as the means ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 using two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test.