Figure 7.
Effects of AXLi mono- and additive treatments. Ten days (twice/day) treated Melmet 1 tumors (BRAFi: 12.5 mg/kg, AXLi: 50 mg/kg, the combination or vehicle (DMSO/methylcellulose)) were subjected to RPPA analysis and AXLi-induced effects on protein expression either upon mono-treatment “AXLi vs. control” (a) or as an additive effect when combined with BRAFi “Combination vs BRAFi” (b) presented as volcano plots. Differentially expressed proteins: only p value < 0.05 (red), only log2 fold change difference (log2FC) > 0.5 (yellow) and both p value < 0.05 and log2FC > 0.5 (green). Not significantly (NS) changed proteins indicated in grey. Positive and negative log2FC values represent increased and decreased protein expression, respectively, in AXLi vs Control or AXLi + BRAFi vs BRAFi treated tumors. (c) Expression levels of proteins (after normalization to the loading control, α-tubulin) measured by SWI in the treated tumors as indicated. Average ± St.Dev., n = 2. (d, e) Top three identified functional enrichments (ranked based on strength set to be above 1.5) within KEGG65 and Reactome signaling pathway databases, analyzed by STRING (, in AXLi- mono-treated (d) or as a part of combination with BRAFi (e). Strength and False Discovery Rate (FDR) describe how large and significant, respectively, the enrichment effect is.