Hepatic Sdhaf4 knockout mice maintain normal phenotype with disrupted SDH complex. The control and Sdhaf4
Alb KO mice were analyzed at the age of 16 weeks: a) Representative images of tissues and summary analysis of body and tissue weight, n = 8. b) Immunoblots for complex II subunits in liver of control and Sdhaf4
Alb KO mice, representative blotting images, c) summary analysis of arbitrary unit, n = 8. d,e) Immunoprecipitation of ubiquitin for blot analysis of SDHA and SDHB from liver lysates of control and Sdhaf4
Alb KO mice, n = 3. f–h) Co‐immunoprecipitation of SDHA with SDHB, SDHB with SDHA, for analysis of SDHA/SDHB binding from liver lysates of control and Sdhaf4
Alb KO mice, n = 3. i,j) HE staining and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis of liver section in control and Sdhaf4
Alb KO mice, i) representative images, j) analysis of mitochondrial per area. k) Metabolic cage analysis of control and Sdhaf4
Alb KO mice, locomotor activity, l) whole body oxygen consumption rate, m) CO2 production rate, and n) heat generation, n = 8. Values are mean ± SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.