The dynamic bone histomorphometric analysis of the cortical bone in the femurs of grounded-loaded and unloaded male mice: (A–D) Cross-sections in the mid-diaphyses of femurs in the wild-type (A,C) and Sp7 tg (B,D) mice. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. (E) Mineral apposition rate (MAR), mineralizing surface (MS/BS), and bone formation rate (BFR/BS) in the periosteum and endosteum. The number of mice that were analyzed; grounded-loaded wild-type: 17, unloaded wild-type: 14, grounded-loaded tg: 11, unloaded tg: 9. **,## p < 0.01 by Tukey–Kramer test * and Student’s t-test #. Data were collected from two independent experiments.