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. 2022 Mar 15;19(6):3489. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063489
Interface: ProQuest
Date of Search: 3 May 2019
Number of hits: 1231
Field labels
MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.EXPLODE = exploded subject heading
MAINSUBJECT.EXACT non exploded subject heading
TI,AB = title, abstract
N/x = within x words, regardless of order
* = truncation of word for alternate endings
(MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Mental Health” OR “Mental Disorders” OR “Psychopathology” OR “Adjustment (to Environment)” OR “Affective Behavior” OR “Depression (Psychology)” OR “Anxiety” OR “Fear” OR “Eating Disorders” OR “Aggression” OR “Sleep” OR “Pain” OR “Hyperactivity” OR “Social Problems” OR “Delinquency” OR “Antisocial Behavior” OR “Quality of Life” OR “Well Being” OR “Wellness” OR “Life Satisfaction” OR “Psychological Patterns” OR “Resilience (Psychology)”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.
EXPLODE(“Anxiety Disorders” OR “Self Destructive Behavior” OR “Emotional Disturbances” OR “Attention Deficit Disorders” OR “Behavior Disorders” OR “Substance Abuse” OR “Self Concept”) OR TI,AB((mental OR emotional OR psychiatric OR psychologic*) N/3 (disease* OR disorder* OR distress OR health OR illness* OR “ill health” OR illhealth OR instabilit* OR problem* OR symptom*)))


(TI,AB((classroom* OR highschool* OR pupil* OR school* OR teacher*) N/3 (based OR environment* OR intervent* OR implement* OR setting* OR elementary or high or middle or primary or secondary)) OR (MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.EXPLODE (“Students” OR “Schools”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Educational Environment” OR “Classroom Environment” OR “School Health Services” OR “School Nurses” OR “Ancillary School Services”) ))


((MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Interprofessional Relationship” OR “Interdisciplinary Approach”) OR
MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.EXPLODE(“Cooperation”)) OR TI,AB(collaborat* OR coordinat* OR cooperat* OR partnership* OR teamwork) OR TI,AB((“cross-disciplinar*” OR interagency* OR interdisciplinar* OR intersectoral* OR interinstitutional* OR interprofessional* OR multidisciplinar*) N/6 (care OR communicat* OR “health care” OR intervention* OR “mental health” OR program* OR relation* OR team* OR strateg*)))


(MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Child Welfare” OR “Health Services” OR “Community Health Services” OR “Clinics” OR “Psychoeducational Clinics” OR “Psychiatric Services” OR “Psychological Services” OR “Social Work” OR “Primary Health Care”) OR TI,AB((emergenc* OR health OR psychiat* OR psycholog*) N/3 (care OR nursing OR practice* OR service*)) OR TI,AB(healthcare OR “mental health center*” OR “mental health clinic*” OR “mental health rehabilitation” OR “primary care” OR “psycho* rehabilitation” OR “social service*” OR “social work*” OR support* OR treat*))

AND (MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Program Evaluation” OR “Program Effectiveness” OR “Program Development” OR “Program Implementation” OR “Mental Health Programs”) OR TI,AB(barrier* OR determinant* OR effect* OR evaluat* OR facilitat* OR factor* OR implement* OR intervent* OR predict* OR program*))
Applied filters: Scholarly Journals OR Reports OR Dissertations and Theses