Emergence of resistance to ciprofloxacin in the presence of NorA inhibitors
Inhibitor (concn [μg/ml]) | Frequency of emergence of resistancea
Spontaneous | Mutagenized | |
None | 2 × 10−8 | 1 × 10−7 |
Reserpine (20) | <1 × 10−10 | <2.5 × 10−10 |
INF 55 (5) | <1 × 10−10 | <2.5 × 10−10 |
INF 240 (5) | 2 × 10−10 | 2.5 × 10−10 |
INF 271 (5) | <1 × 10−10 | <2.5 × 10−10 |
INF 277 (5) | <1 × 10−10 | <2.5 × 10−10 |
INF 392 (1) | 2 × 10−10 | 1 × 10−9 |
Frequency of emergence of in vitro-selected variants of SA1199 resistant to 1 μg of ciprofloxacin per ml (two times the MIC for strain SA1199) in either the absence or the presence of NorA inhibitors. The results of one of three experiments is presented.