Male |
511 (35.3) |
Female |
939 (64.7) |
Mean age ± SD, in years
46.3 ± 15.7 |
Palermo |
870 (60) |
Municipalities in the Palermo province |
493 (34) |
Other municipalities |
87 (6) |
Community pharmacy |
1218 (84) |
Para-pharmacy |
87 (6) |
Other |
145 (10) |
Personal risk of contracting severe COVID-19 disease
Low |
290 (20) |
Middle |
638 (44) |
High |
522 (36) |
Willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccination
Yes |
928 (64) |
No |
522 (36) |
If yes, please specify the main reason
Protect themselves |
436 (47) |
Protect their families |
408 (44) |
Working reasons (high risk of exposure) |
84 (9) |
If no, please specify the main reason
Limited risk of exposure to COVID-19 |
302 (57.8) |
Vaccination considered not safe |
176 (33.7) |
Vaccination considered not necessary |
44 (8.5) |
Fear of COVID-19 vaccination’s long-term side effects
Yes |
725 (50) |
No |
725 (50) |
Best strategy in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection
Vaccination |
986 (68) |
Hyperimmune plasma |
290 (20) |
Other strategies |
174 (12) |