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. 2022 Mar 11;11(6):1537. doi: 10.3390/jcm11061537

Table 5.

Clinical. biochemical. and imaging data of patients included in the study.

Sex, Age Neuroimaging (CT, MR) CSF Results Antibodies Metabolic Abnormalities of CNS PET/CT Abnormalities
Cerebellar Degeneration
1. F. 88 Brain MRI: nonspecific vascular demyelination; no clinical relevance Cytosis 0.005 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 48.5 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: positive
anti-Yo none metabolically active area in the pylorus and metabolically active lymph node next to the pylorus SUV max 7.8
2. F. 83 Brain MRI: leukoaraiosis around lateral ventricles. nonspecific vascular demyelination. moderate cortical artrophy—mainly posterior.
bilateral hyperintense changes in the thalami and caudate nuclei on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI).
Cytosis 0.004 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 34.8 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
anti-NMDA. anti-Yo Generalized cortico-subcortical atrophy of the brain. metabolically active lymph nodes in the mediastinum and chest—suspection of lymphoma
SUV max 10.5
3. M. 66 Brain MRI: not performed (due to contraindications)
Brain CT: normal
Cytosis 0.006 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 40.6 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: positive
not detected not detected metabolically active tumor in the transverse colon SUV max 5.0
Autoimmune Encephalitis
4. F. 32 Brain MRI: normal Cytosis 0.018 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 26.3 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
anti-NMDA none increased metabolism of FDG in the topography of numerous lesions in both lungs
SUV max up to 7.5
5. M. 30 Brain MRI: demyelinating lesions located bilaterally in the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobe, in the periventricular and subcortical areas. Cytosis 0.002 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 47.2 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
anti-NMDA none not significant
6. F. 74 Brain MRI: epidermal cysts located anteriorly from the medulla oblongata, on the left side; numerous demyelinating lesions located in the white matter of the centrum semiovale, periventricular and paraventricular areas; numerous, small signalless zones on Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging (SWI) which correspond to the presence of haemosiderin deposits—after microchemorrhages Cytosis 0.002 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 37.3 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: positive
anti-NMDA cortical-subcortical atrophy of the brain not significant
Myasthenia Gravis
7. F. 79 Brain MRI: nonspecific vascular demyelination; no clinical relevance not performed anti-AChR areas of porencephaly with decreased FDG metabolism not significant
8. F. 70 Brain MRI: leukoaraiosis around lateral ventricles; few. small changes with increased signal in T2 in the radial corona radiata in the frontal lobes; moderate cortical atrophy of the brain and cerebellum.
Cervical Spine MRI:
The zone of increased signal in the T2 sequences dependent on the central part of the spinal cord. extending from the C2 / C3 to C6 / C7 level
Cytosis 0.008 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 74 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
anti-AQP4 none moderately metabolic active tumour in segment 4/5 of the right lung. SUV max 3.5
9. M. 59 Brain MRI: not performed.
Brain CT: normal
not performed not detected none metabolically active tumor in the apex of the left lung with the involvement of homonymous mediastinal lymph nodes—SUV max 9.4
10. F. 56 MRI: not performed.
Brain CT: normal
not performed not detected none not significant
11. F. 73 Brain MRI: not performed.
Brain CT: normal
Cytosis 0.003 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 144.1 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
anti-PNMA2 (Ma2/Ta) anti-CV2.1 None metabolically active cervical lymph node and a metabolically active soft tissue mass in the lower part of the neck and in the upper mediastinum
SUV max 5.7
12. M. 69 Brain MRI: nonspecific vascular demyelination; no clinical relevance. not performed anti-PNMA2 (Ma2/Ta) none not significant
13. M. 65 Brain MRI: nonspecific vascular demyelination; no clinical relevance. Cytosis 0.002 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 187 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
not detected none lesion in the 1 + 2 segment of left lung SUV max 2.2
Primary Angiitis of Central Nervous System
14. M. 38 Brain MRI: disseminated demyelinating lesions located in the cortico-subcortical area of the right insula. bilaterally in the corona radiata. and single irregular lesions with cortico-subcortical distribution. Cytosis 0.004 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 38.2 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
anti-Yo none nonspecific segmental metabolic stimulation in the loops of the small intestine
SUV max 7.7
Motor Neuron Disease
15. F. 67 Cervival Spine MRI: multi-level discopathy without pressure on the surrounding nerve roots. Cytosis 0.001 × 103/uL
(0–0.005 × 103/uL)
Protein 67.96 mg/dL
oligoclonal bands: negative
anti-Yo none not significant