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. 2022 Feb 23;10(3):421. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10030421

Table 1.

Characteristics of the studies included in the systematic review.

Author Type of Study and Participants Characteristics of the Intervention of Doll Therapy Results
n Study Age (Yrs) Sex Inclusion Criteria Emplacement Experimental Group Control Group Outcome Measure
35 RCT <65 years Female <65 years, dementia diagnosis; documented history (in last four weeks) of anxiety, agitation, or aggressiveness. Residents were recruited from five LTC facilities located within a 60 km radius of the Brisbane Central Business District (Queensland, Australia) Doll Therapy Usual treatment Mini Mental
Clinically significant improvements in the well-being of residents in comparison with the usual care, but there were no improvements in anxiety, agitation, and aggressiveness.
30 Non-randomized clinical trial <65 years 25 Females
10 Males
Severe to low cognitive impairment, behavioral disorders, <65 years, dementia. Residenza Sociosanitaria Assistenziale per Anziani “Storelli” in Bisceglie (Italia) 1. Doll therapy
2. Gestural-verbal treatment
No intervention NPI-Q Doll therapy was effective for the reduction of agitated and irritable behaviors. No changes in apathy were found.
32 RCT <70 years 26 Females
6 Males
Punctuation of ≥5 in the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire; <70 years; dementia diagnosis, post-traumatic stress disorder according to doctors; no participation in other non-pharmacological interventions before or during the study; without severe sensorial or perceptive deficiencies or ongoing mourning; and the capacity of understanding easy messages and producing sentences. Residential facilities Doll Therapy Hand-warmer SPMSQ
Significative reduction in post-traumatic stress disorder, relief of negative feelings, fulfilling of attachment needs, and the reduction of the feeling of loneliness. Several aspects that influence food intake, such as anguish, improved but not enough to improve the eating behavior.
29 RCT 82–89 years 15 Females
14 Males
Moderate-severe dementia, motor abilities needed to hold and caress a doll, adequate visual and auditive functions, and ability to communicate in Turkish. A. KadirU¨ c¸yıldız, elder facility Doll Therapy No intervention SMMSE
Statistically significant improvements in agitation and behavior problems. Cognition did not improve.
62 pre-post 82.4 years 86.3% Females 74.5% Males Slight-severe cognitive impairment, three months residing in the nursing home. Korea nursing home Doll Therapy - SMMSE
Statistically significant decrease in the use of swear words, shouts, aggressive episodes, and less obsessive behaviors. Erratic wandering episodes were reduced as well. There were found positive changes in moods and physical appearance, a decrease of depression, and an increment of the interactions with other individuals, but without significant differences.
14 Pilot study 75–94 years 12 Females
2 Males
- Nursing home Doll Therapy - Ad hoc questionnaire Increase in social interaction. The participants seemed to be happier and less agitated. They were also more receptive towards personal care activities; erratic wandering episodes were reduced.
93 Exploratory study 85.9 years 73% Females Three months residing at a nursing home, behavior disorders, <60, dementia diagnosis. Maryland nursing home Doll Therapy - MMSE
There was a rejection of Doll Therapy; it is associated with a low social level. In spite of this, it was one of the most used therapies and obtained a relatively high rate for the impact on the behavioral symptoms.

CAR: Change Assessment Rating; CMAI-SF: Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory-Short Form; EBS: Eating Behavior Scale; LMBS: Lawton’s Modified Behavior Stream; LTC: Long term care; MMSE: Mini-Mental Status Examination; NPI-Q: Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire; OERS: Observed Emotion Rating Scale; QUALID: quality of life in late-stage dementia; SMMSE: Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination; SPMSQ: short portable mental status questionnaire; RCT: randomized controlled trial.