Figure 1.
Spermatid individualization is disrupted in Z3-5009 mutant. Actin cone complexes in Z3-5009 testes (a) form in association with spermatid nuclei but do not progress past this stage (inset). In Oregon R control testes (b), actin cones form in association with sperm nuclei (inset 1), travel synchronously down the axonemes driving progress of spermatid individualization (inset 2, 3), and break down in a cystic bulge; phalloidin staining, red; DAPI staining, blue. (c) Classification of actin cone phenotype in control Oregon R (n = 13, black) and Z3-5009 mutant (n = 16, white); the average number of actin cones falling into each phenotypic class is reported. Bar 100 µm. * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001.