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. 2022 Mar 16;23(6):3214. doi: 10.3390/ijms23063214

Table 1.

Common upregulated and downregulated genes.

Upregulated Genes (Symbol) Gene Name
CDH3 cadherin 3
KIF26B kinesin family member 26B
CEMIP cell migration inducing hyaluronan binding protein
CTHRC1 collagen triple helix repeat-containing 1
IGF2BP3 insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3
SULF1 sulfatase 1
KRT80 keratin 80
FAP fibroblast activation protein alpha
THBS2 thrombospondin 2
BGN biglycan
INHBA inhibin beta A subunit
S100A2 S100 calcium binding protein A2
SPP1 secreted phosphoprotein 1
MFAP2 microfibrillar associated protein 2
COL1A1 collagen type I alpha 1 chain
WISP1 WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 1
COL12A1 collagen type XII alpha 1 chain
CLDN1 claudin 1
NOX4 NADPH oxidase 4
COL10A1 collagen type X alpha 1 chain
MMP11 matrix metallopeptidase 11
IL11 interleukin 11
Downregulated Genes (Symbol) Gene Name
GC GC, vitamin D binding protein
AKR1C1 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C1
SCARA5 scavenger receptor class A member 5
TPCN2 two pore segment channel 2
SLC2A12 solute carrier family 2 members 12
LIFR leukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha
SIGLEC11 sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 11
FGA fibrinogen alpha chain
ATP4A ATPase H+/K+ transporting alpha subunit
CKMT2 creatine kinase, mitochondrial 2
CCKBR cholecystokinin B receptor
GHRL ghrelin/obestatin prepropeptide
GIF gastric intrinsic factor
ATP4B ATPase H+/K+ transporting beta subunit
MAL mal, T cell differentiation protein
CHGA chromogranin A
ESRRG estrogen related receptor gamma
SST somatostatin