Vitamin C treatment mediated reductions in global DNA methylation, DNA methyltransferase (DNMT1/3a), and induction of MICA/B expression in ECM-detached HeLa cell lines. (a) Vitamin C treatment reduced 5mC levels. (b) Vitamin C treatment repressed DNMT1/3a mRNA expression. (c) HeLa cell line showing that 5-aza-dc and vitamin C did not reduce the methylation signal in gel electrophoresis compared to the untreated 6 Days ECM-detached condition. (d) Vitamin C treatment increased the fold changes in mRNA expression of MICA/B in the 6 days ECM-detached condition. (e) Vitamin C treatment increased surface MICA/B expression. 6D_Meth, 6 days detached, methylated; 6D_Unmrth, 6 days detached, unmethylated; 5Azadc_Meth, 5-aza-dc methyl-treated; 5Azadc_Unmeth, 5-aza-dc unmethylated; VC_meth, vitamin C methyl-treated; VC_Unmeth, vitamin C unmethylated. The data are presented as mean ± SEM; ns, not significant.