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. 2022 Mar 9;19(6):3233. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063233

Table 2.

Studies reporting rural older individuals’ HSBs.

Study Country Study Design Participants Causes of HSB HSB Outcome Results
2002, [26]
United States Qualitative research n = 41; M and F General symptoms Professional care Perception of HSB Older individuals believe that receiving help in late life is a reward for a good life. By understanding and following the rules of help-seeking, formal helpers might more efficiently and effectively meet their needs.
Sakamoto 2004, [27] Japan Cross-sectional study n = 285; M and F Depression Professional care Associations with backgrounds Participation in mental health workshops was associated with frequent consultation with professional care.
2008, [28]
China Cohort n = 127; M and F Depression Professional care Associations with backgrounds Female sex, lower educational level, monthly income, and the presence of one or more major medical conditions were associated with lower use of professional care with the symptoms of depression.
2009, [29]
Australia Cohort n = 12,778; F General symptoms Professional care Mortality Mortality was higher in rural than in urban women. Rural women reported fewer visits to general practitioners and medical specialists.
2012, [30]
Nigeria Cross-sectional n = 216; M and F Acute symptoms Professional care Diagnosis The three most common causes of geriatric emergencies were acute malaria (33.8%), hypertensive crises syndrome (19.0%), and acute hypertensive heart failure (18.1%).
2015, [31]
United States Cross-sectional n = 478; M and F General anxiety disorder Professional care Associations with backgrounds The most reported barrier to treatment was the personal belief that “I should not need help”. Other commonly reported barriers included practical barriers (cost, not knowing where to go, distance), mistrust of mental health providers, not thinking treatment would help, stigma, and not wanting to talk with a stranger about private matters.
2018, [32]
Vietnam Cross-sectional n = 523; M and F General symptoms Professional care QOL People with higher QOL were less likely to use inpatient services.
2019, [33]
China Cross-sectional n = 31,464; M and F Chronic diseases Professional care QOL One-year and two-week access to healthcare was found to be associated with QOL scores at the 10th and 90th quantiles, respectively. Access to healthcare affects the self-assessed health and QOL of the elderly.
2020, [34]
China Cross-sectional n = 216; M and F General symptoms Lay care Associations with backgrounds The factors associated with self-treatment were better health status, no recent alcohol consumption, and no utilization of family practice.
2020, [35]
India Cross-sectional n = 9973; M and F Chronic diseases Professional care Associations with backgrounds Older individuals living with a spouse in comparison to those living alone had a lower likelihood to have untreated morbidities. Additionally, the elderly from rural areas and having lower levels of education had a higher likelihood of untreated morbidity.
2021, [25]
Japan Mixed-method n = 267; M and F Acute symptoms Lay and professional care Clarifying contents of HSB The most common behavior with mild symptoms was consulting with primary care physicians, followed by self-care and using home medicine. The test–retest reliability for mild symptoms revealed kappa values of 0.836 for lay care and 0.808 for professional care.
Srivastava 2021,
India Cross-sectional n = 31,464; M and F Psychiatric disorders Professional care Associations with backgrounds Older adults, who were females and with a lower socioeconomic background had a lower probability of seeking treatment for a psychiatric disorder.
2021, [37]
Japan Cross-sectional n = 1066; M and F Acute symptoms Lay care QOL The HSBs with a trend of using self-management were related to a high QOL.
2021, [38]
India Cross-sectional n = 31,464; M and F Chronic diseases Professional care Associations with backgrounds Treatment-seeking is relatively low among the elderly in low-income households.
2021, [39]
Poland Cross-sectional n = 194; M and F Myocardial infarction Professional care Trend for professional care 76.2% would call an ambulance in response to chest pain. Merely 80% were able to recall the emergency phone number. Among respondents who declared they would not call an ambulance, 38.7% were afraid of in-hospital COVID-19 infection or healthcare system collapse.
2021, [40]
Japan Cross-sectional n = 169; M and F Acute symptoms Lay and professional care Self-rated health Using both lay and professional care was significantly associated with high self-rated health.

Footnotes. HSB: help-seeking behavior; F—female; M—male; QOL—quality of life.