Schematic organization of the ustilagic acid (UA) synthesis gene cluster in U. maydis (modified from [65]). Organization of the gene cluster is compared to the here sequenced Ustilaginaceae. Cyp2 (P450 monooxygenase), fas2 (fatty acid synthase 2), atr1 (ABC-type transporter), uat1 (acyltransferase), cyp1 (P450 monooxygenase), uat2 (acetyltransferase), orf1 (alcohol acetyltransferase), uhd1 (fatty acid hydroxylase), ugt1 (glycosyltransferase), orf2 (ustilagic acid biosynthesis cluster protein), adh1 (alcohol dehydrogenase I). Gene cluster analysis via antiSMASH 6.0 [58]. Two isolates were sequenced in case of U. maydis No. 482.