Figure 5.
Concentration response curves of BRET-based responses in HEK293T cells upon stimulation with various H1R agonists. BRET measurements in HEK293T cells transiently co-expressing H1R (0.5–1.0 µg plasmid/dish) in combination with Gq activation sensor (2.5 µg plasmid/dish) (A), InsP3 (B) or Ca2+ (C) sensor (4.0 µg plasmid/dish), or H1R-Rluc8 (1.0 µg plasmid/dish) in combination with GRK2-mVenus (D), GRK3-mVenus (E), GRK5-mVenus (F), GRK6-mVenus (G), β-arrestin1-eYFP (H), or β-arrestin2-mVenus (I) (4.0 µg plasmid/dish), upon stimulation with increasing concentrations agonist for 20 (A–C)or 60 min (D–I). Data are shown as mean ± SD from at least three independent experiments performed in triplicate.