Variation in LPL hydrolysis of ultracentrifugally isolated VLDL from nine donors in cohort 1. A: VLDL was isolated by ultracentrifugation from nine apparently healthy volunteers at T = 0 days, then again at T = 30 days. Compared at equal TG mass (20 mg/dl), the VLDL particles from each donor were evaluated as substrates for a fixed amount (0.262 μg) of human LPL. The percent of TG hydrolysis is plotted for each donor at each time point. B: We also compared the VLDL samples at equal protein concentrations (20 mg/dl). Data are shown from the T = 0 point. A one-way ANOVA indicated significant differences exist among the samples (P < 0.001). C: Correlation between TG/protein ratio of each VLDL particle and LPL hydrolysis. The line shows a simple linear regression through all data shown in panel (A), r2 = 0.6906. For all panels, experiments were performed in triplicate, and error bars show one sample standard deviation. For all panels, filled circle, donor 1; open circle, donor 2; filled down triangle, donor 3; open up triangle, donor 4; filled square, donor 5; open square, donor 6; closed diamond, donor 7; open diamond, donor 8; and filled up triangle, donor 9.