Figure 1.
Relative change (%) in geometric mean of maternal whole blood concentrations (µg/L) of essential and toxic elements by unit change calculated from coefficients β and standard errors of the multiple linear regression analyses described in Supplementary Materials, Table S2. The unit of change for each variable was set as interquartile range. a Salta as reference site (Salta vs. Ushuaia); b para 1 as reference category (para 1 vs. parous); c non-smokers as reference (non-smoker vs. smoker); d the highest education level is primary or secondary as the reference group (primary/secondary education vs. tertiary/university); and e urban dweller as reference category (urban vs. semi-urban and rural). Abbreviations: As, arsenic; BMI, body mass index; Cd, cadmium; Cu, copper; Hg, mercury; Mn, manganese; Pb, lead; Se, selenium; and Zn, zinc.