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. 2022 Mar 21;14(3):646. doi: 10.3390/v14030646

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of groups of patients.

Characteristics Acute Stage of COVID-19
(Favorable Outcome)
n = 25
Acute Stage of COVID-19
(Unfavorable Outcome)
n = 8
COVID-19 Survivors
n = 33
Female 14/56.0% 6/75.0% 18/54.55% p1 = 0.751
p2 = 1.000
p3 < 0.001
Male 11/44.0% 2/25.0% 15/45.45% p1 = 0.700
p2 = 1.000
p3 = 0.707
Mean age 60
p1 = 0.989
p2 = 0.994
p3 = 0.875
Age group
<45 3/12.0% 1/12.5% 5/15.15% p1 = 1.000
p2 = 1.000
p3 = 1.000
45–59 15/60.0% 1/12.5% 18/54.55% p1 = 0.238
p2 = 0.830
p3 = 0.249
≥ 60 7/28.0% 6/75.0% 10/30.3% p1 = 0.171
p2 = 1.000
p3 = 0.183
Moderate 7/28.0% 0/0% 16/48.48% p1 = 0.309
p2 = 0.325
p3 = 0.090
Severe 17/68.0% 1/12.5% 17/51.52% p1 = 0.012
p2 = 0.007
p3 = 0.413
Extremely Severe 1/4% 7/87.5% 0/0% p1 < 0.001
p2 = 1.000
p3 = 0.001
Pneumonia 22/88.0% 8/100% 32/96.67% p1 = 0.989
p2 = 0.994
p3 = 0.875
Data of CT scan 3–4 1/4.0% 8/100% 0/0% p1 < 0.001
p2 = 0.431
p3 < 0.001
Respiratory failure 12/48.0% 8/100% 14/42.42% p1 = 0.355
p2 = 0.816
p3 = 0.224
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 5/20.0% 6/75.0% 9/27.27% p1 = 0.132
p2 = 0.765
p3 = 0.165
Multiple organ failure 2/8.0% 3/37.5% 4/12.1% p1 = 0.078
p2 = 0.690
p3 = 0.120
Septic shock 0/0% 1/12,5% 0/0% p1 = 0.242
p2 = 1.000
p3 = 0.195
Several complications 13/52.0% 8/100% 15/45.45% p1 = 0.363
p2 = 0.819
p3 = 0.232
Concomitant disorders including
Hypertension 10/40.0% 5 27/81.82% p1 = 0.509
p2 = 0.131
p3 = 0.764
Diabetes 2/8.0% 3 5/15.15% p1 = 0.134
p2 = 0.690
p3 = 0.355
Cardiovascular diseases 3/12.0% 4 8/24.24% p1 = 0.168
p2 = 0.505
p3 = 0.434
Chronic kidney disease 0/0% 2/25.0% 1/3.03% p1 = 0.076
p2 = 1.000
p3 = 0.125
Chronic pulmonary disease 1/4.0% 2/25.0% 2/6.06% p1 = 0.181
p2 = 0.818
p3 = 0.209
Chronic liver disease 0/0% 2/25.0% 2/6.06% p1 = 0.076
p2 = 0.506
p3 = 0.209
Other disorders 2/8.0% 2/25.0% 3/9.09% p1 = 0.291
p2 = 1.000
p3 = 0.295
Several disorders 15/60.0% 8/100% 18/54.55% p1 = 0.549
p2 = 0.830
p3 = 0.380
CT scan findings
CT1 9/36.0% 0/0% 17/51.52% p1 = 0.168
p2 = 0.631
p3 = 0.090
CT2 15/60.0% 0/0% 12/36.36% p1 = 0.044
p2 = 0.353
p3 = 0.175
CT3 1/4.0% 1/12.5% 3/9.09% p1 = 0.454
p2 = 0.633
p3 = 1.000
CT4 0/0% 7/87.5% 0/0% p1 < 0.001
p2 = 1.000
p3 < 0.001

Note: p1—statistically significant differences between patients in the acute stage of COVID-19 with favorable and poor outcomes; p2—statistically significant differences between patients in the acute stage of COVID-19 with favorable outcomes and COVID-19 survivors; p3—statistically significant differences between patients in the acute stage of COVID-19 with poor outcome and COVID-19 survivors.