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. 2022 Mar 13;11(6):1588. doi: 10.3390/jcm11061588

Table 2.

Role of non-tocilizumab biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in giant cell arteritis.

Author, Year [Ref.] Type of Study n Sex
F (%)
Population/Median Follow-Up Therapeutic Protocol Prior DMARD n (%) Main Efficacy Outcomes Serious Adverse Events
TNF-α Antagonists
Hoffman et al., 2007 [80] Multicenter, randomized, DB, PBO-controlled trial 44 (IFX 28, PBO 16)
2:1 ratio
24 (86)
11 (69)
Newly diagnosed GCA in GC-induced remission.
FU: 54 weeks (early termination after interim analysis at week 22)
i.v. IFX 5mg/kg vs. PBO Prior DMARD not allowed Differences in relapse-free patients (43% IFX vs. 50% PBO) and % of patients with GC tapering without relapse (61% IFX vs. 75% PBO) at 22w between groups were NS 29% IFX vs. 25% PBO, NS
Serious infections 11% IFX vs. 6% PBO, NS
Martinez-Taboada et al., 2008 [82] Multicenter, randomized, DB, PBO-controlled trial 17
(ETN 8, PBO 9)
1:1 ratio
6 (75)
8 (88.9)
Clinically asymptomatic biopsy-proven GCA with GC-related comorbidity.
FU: 52 weeks
s.c. ETN 25 mg twice weekly vs. PBO Prior DMARD not allowed Clinical disease control without GC at 52 w: 50% ETN vs. 22.2% PBO (NS).
ETN cumulative GC dose was significantly lower (p = 0.03)
12.5% ETN vs. 11.1% PBO, NS
Seror et al., 2018 [81] Multicenter, randomized, DB, PBO-controlled trial
(HECTHOR trial)
(ADA 34, PBO 36)
24 (71)
28 (78)
Newly diagnosed GCA
(GCA-related visual symptoms were an exclusion criteria).
FU: 10 weeks
s.c. ADA 45 mg q2w vs. PBO Prior DMARD not allowed Remission on less than 0.1 mg/kg of prednisone at week 26: 59% ADA vs. 50% PBO (NS).
NS differences in prednisone dose reduction or % of relapse-free patients
14.5% ADA vs. 47.2% PBO.
Serious infections: 3 ADA vs. 5 PBO.
Deaths: 1 ADA (pneumonia) vs. 2 PBO (septic shock and cancer)
Conway et al., 2016 [29] Single center, prospective open-label registry 14 11 (79) Refractory GCA (inability to taper GC to <10 mg/d due to symptoms of active GCA with a minimum
of two relapses).
FU: 13.5 months
s.c. UST 90 mg every 3 months 12 (86) No relapses.
Significant reduction of GC dose (p = 0.001).
29% stopped GC and 92% stopped other DMARD.
Image improvement in LVV (n = 5), without new stenoses or aneurysm
3 Discontinuations due to AE
Conway et al., 2018 [86] Multicenter, open-label prospective registry 25 20 (80) Refractory GCA (inability to taper GC due to recurrence of symptoms consistent with active GCA, after an initial treatment response to high-dose GC).
FU: 52 weeks
s.c. UST 90 mg every 3 months 17 (68) No relapses.
Significant reduction of GC dose (p < 0.001) and CRP decrease (p = 0.006).
24% stopped GC and 76% stopped other DMARD.
Image improvement in LVV (n = 8), without new stenoses or aneurysm
3 Discontinuations due to AE: 1 recurrent respiratory tract infections, 1 alopecia and 1 non-dermatomal limb paresthesia
Matza et al., 2021
Single center, single-arm prospective open-label trial 13 11 (85) Active new-onset (39%) or relapsing GCA.
FU: 52 weeks (enrollment closed prematurely due to relapse of 7/10 initial patients)
s.c. UST 90 mg every 3 months 2 (15) 23% achieved prednisone-free remission (absence of relapse through week 52 and normalization of ESR and CRP).
7 Patients relapsed after a mean period of 23 w
1 SAE: mild diverticulitis that required hospitalization
Langford et al., 2017 [90] Multicenter,
randomized DB, PBO-controlled study
(20 ABA, 21 PBO)
1:1 ratio
16 (80)
21 (100)
Newly-diagnosed or relapsing GCA with active disease within the prior 2 m.
FU: 12 months
Initially (n = 49): i.v. ABA 10 mg/kg/m
At 12 w (n = 41): DB randomization to ABA vs. PBO of cases in remission
Prior bDMARD was not allowed within established time schedule
Relapse-free survival at 12 m: 48% ABA vs. 31% PBO (p = 0.049).
Longer duration of remission with ABA (9.9 m) vs. PBO (3.9 m), p = 0.023
23 SAE in 15 patients.
NS difference in frequency or severity of AE between treatment arms, including the rate of infection or SAE.
No deaths
Rossi et al., 2021
Single center, two-arm prospective open-label study 33
(17 TCZ, 16 ABA)
1:1 ratio
21 (63.6) Consecutive biopsy-proven newly diagnosed or relapsing GCA.
FU: 12 months
TCZ: i.v. 8mg/kg/m (n = 8), s.c. 162 mg/w (n = 9)
ABA: s.c. 125 mg/w
Combination with other DMARD was not allowed
22 (66.6) i.v. TCZ, s.c. TCZ and ABA clinical response was complete in 57%, 67% and 31%, and partial in 43%, 16% and 31%, respectively
100% TCZ group and 43% ABA group reduced prednisone to ≤ 7.5 mg/d at 12 m, p = 0.0003.
Switch due to inefficacy more frequent with ABA (0.0445)
No significant side effects
Schmidt et al., 2020 [79] Multicenter, randomized
DB, PBO-controlled parallel-group study + open-label extension
161 (SIR 107, PBO 54) 124 (77) Newly diagnosed or relapsing GCA.
FU of DB phase: 52 weeks
FU of OL phase: 104 weeks (early termination by sponsor decision)
DB phase: s.c. SIR 100 mg q2w + 6 m or 3 m of GC taper;
s.c. SIR 50 mg q4w + 6 m GC taper;PBO q2w + 6 m or 12 m GC taper
OL phase: SIR 100 mg q2w at investigator discretion
Prior cs- and bDMARD was not allowed within established time schedule At 52 w: Sustained remission not achieved by 82.4–88.9% patients in SIR arms and 100% in PBO arms; Lower % of flares with SIR than PBO (18.4–30.8% vs. 37–40%); Highest % of flares (23.1%) and withdrawals (61.5%) with SIR 100 mg q2w + 3 m GC taper.
OL phase: 60% maintained remission at 4w without SIR administration; No flares
At 52 w: 19.3% SAE; NS differences across arms; No deaths.
OL phase: No SAE; No deaths
Berti et al., 2018 [75] 10 RCT
(9 phase 2 and 1 phase 3)
645 TCZ, i.v. GC and MTX significantly improved the likelihood of being relapse free with relative risks and 95% CI of 3.54 (2.28, 5.51), 5.11 (1.39, 18.81) and 1.54 (1.02, 2.30)
Song et al., 2020
(2 TCZ, 3 TNF antagonists 1 and ABA)
260 patients
193 controls
Remission rate higher for TCZ than PBO (OR 7.009, 95% CI 3.854–12.75, p < 0.001).
Relapse rate lower for TCZ than PBO (OR 0.222, 95% CI 0.129–0.381, p < 0.001).
NS difference in remission and relapse between groups with TNF antagonists, ABA and PBO
Number of SAE lower for TCZ than PBO (OR 0.539, 95% CI 0.296–0.982, p = 0.044).
NS difference in SAE among patients treated with TNF antagonists, ABA and PBO.
Infection rate higher for TNF antagonists than PBO (OR 2.407, 95% CI 1.168-4.960, p = 0.017), but with NS differences between TCZ, ABA and PBO

Abbreviations: ABA: abatacept; ADA: adalimumab; AE(s): adverse event(s); bDMARD: biologic disease modifying antirheumatic drug; CI: confidence interval; CMV: cytomegalovirus; CRP: C-reactive protein; csDMARD: conventional synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drug; CV: cardiovascular; d: day; DB: double-blind; DMARD: disease modifying antirheumatic drug; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; ETN: etanercept; F: female; FU: follow-up; GC: glucocorticoids; GCA: giant cell arteritis; GI: gastrointestinal; i.v.: intravenous; kg: kilogram; m: month; LVV: large vessel vasculitis; mg: milligram; MI: myocardial infarction; MTX: methotrexate; n: number; NS: not significant; OL: open-label; PBO: placebo; qw: every week; q2w: every other week; RCT: randomized controlled trial; RD: risk difference; SAE: serious adverse event; s.c.: subcutaneous; SIR; sirukumab; TBC: tuberculosis; TCZ: tocilizumab; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; vs: versus; w: week.