Human axillary LN. Immunohistochemical reaction with CD34 antibodies stained with diamidobenzidine and hematoxylin: (a) control LN, few CD34+ vessels in the superficial part of the cortex and paracortex, waste areas of the cortical substance free from CD34+ structures; (b) control LN, due to the postmortem changes, the medullary cords and sinuses lost well-defined structure, cell composition rare, single CD34+ vessels located at the edge of cords and sinuses, no CD34+ structures observed in the huge areas of the medullary substance; (c) LN at BC stage IIIa, small CD34+ vessels infiltrate practically the total cortical substance, walls of these vessels consist of one cell layer. (d) LN at BC stage IIIa, small CD34+ vessels infiltrate practically the total medullar substance of parenchyma [8,9].