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. 2022 Feb 24;8(3):226. doi: 10.3390/jof8030226

Table 1.

Selected literature on various taxonomical studies of fungi.

Title Reference
Orders of Ascomycetes [41]
Laboulbeniales as a separate class of Ascomycota, Laboulbeniomycetes [42]
One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics [43]
Toward resolving family-level relationships in rust fungi (Uredinales) [44]
Higher level classification of Pucciniomycotina based on combined analyses of nuclear large and small subunit rDNA sequences [45]
A phylogenetic overview of the family Pyronemataceae (Ascomycota, Pezizales) [46]
A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi [47]
Dictionary of the Fungi. (10th edn) [48]
Outline of Ascomycota [49]
Glomeromycota: two new classes and a new order [50]
Entomophthoromycota: a new phylum and reclassification for entomophthoroid fungi [51]
Incorporating anamorphic fungi in a natural classification checklist and notes for 2011 [52]
Taxonomic revision of Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces [53]
Phylogenetic systematics of the Gigasporales [54]
List of generic names of fungi for protection under the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants [55]
A phylogeny of the highly diverse cup fungus family Pyronemataceae (Pezizomycetes, Ascomycota) [56]
Families of Dothideomycetes [57]
Taxonomic revision of the Lyophyllaceae (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) based on a multigene phylogeny [58]
Recommended names for pleomorphic genera in Dothideomycetes [27]
Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Sordariomycetes [34]
Phylogenetic classification of yeasts and related taxa within Pucciniomycotina [59]
Entomophthoromycota: a new overview of some of the oldest terrestrial fungi [60]
Systematics of Kickxellomycotina, Mortierellomycotina, Mucoromycotina, and Zoopagomycotina [61]
A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of Zygomycete fungi based on genome–scale data [62]
Phylogenomics of a new fungal phylum reveals multiple waves of reductive evolution across Holomycota [63]
Sequence–based classification and identification of fungi [64]
Morphology-based taxonomic delusions: Acrocordiella, Basiseptospora, Blogiascospora, Clypeosphaeria, Hymenopleella, Lepteutypa, Pseudapiospora, Requienella, Seiridium and Strickeria [65]
Families of Sordariomycetes [35]
Proposal to conserve the name Diaporthe eres, with a conserved type, against all other competing names (Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Diaporthaceae) [66]
Taxonomy and phylogeny of dematiaceous Coelomycetes [67]
Multigene phylogeny of Endogonales [68]
Classification of lichenized fungi in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota-Approaching one thousand genera [69]
Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Auriculariales (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) with stereoid basidiocarps [70]
An updated phylogeny of Sordariomycetes based on phylogenetic and molecular clock evidence [71]
Families, genera, and species of Botryosphaeriales [72]
Ranking higher taxa using divergence times: a case study in Dothideomycetes [73]
A revised family-level classification of the Polyporales (Basidiomycota) [74]
Notes for genera: Ascomycota [22]
Towards incorporating asexual fungi in a natural classification: checklist and
notes 2012–2016
Notes for genera: basal clades of Fungi (including Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota) [19]
Outline of Ascomycota: 2017 [75]
Classification of orders and families in the two major subclasses of Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota) based on a temporal approach [76]
A taxonomic summary and revision of Rozella (Cryptomycota) [77]
Sexual and asexual generic names in Pucciniomycotina and Ustilaginomycotina (Basidiomycota) [78]
Evolutionary complexity between rust fungi (Pucciniales) and their plant hosts [79]
High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses [18]
Taxonomy and phylogeny of operculate Discomycetes: Pezizomycetes [33]
Molecular phylogeny of the Laboulbeniomycetes (Ascomycota) [80]
Families in Botryosphaeriales [81]
Natural classification and backbone tree for Graphostromataceae, Hypoxylaceae, Lopadostomataceae and Xylariaceae [82]
Classification of the Dictyostelids [83]
Revisiting Salisapiliaceae [84]
Phylogenetic revision of Savoryellaceae [85]
Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota [86]
A new phylogenetic classification for the Leotiomycetes [87]
Taxonomy and phylogeny of hyaline-spored Coelomycetes [88]
Refined families of Sordariomycetes [36]
Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa [17]
The genera of Coelomycetes [89]
A higher-rank classification for rust fungi, with notes on genera [90]
Indian Pucciniales: taxonomic outline with important descriptive notes [91]
Incorporating asexually reproducing fungi in the natural classification and notes for pleomorphic genera [92]
How to publish a new fungal species, or name, version 3.0 [93]