Table A8.
Variable | Question | Answer Categories |
Gender | What is your gender? | 1—Male 2—Female |
Age | How old are you? | I am___ years old Recoded to: AGE_Level 1—18 to 24 years 2—25 to 34 years 3—35 to 49 years 4—50 to 64 years 5—≥65 years |
Education | How many years of education have you completed? | 1—0–9 years 2—at least 10 years without A-Level 3—at least 10 years with A-Level Recoded to: Edu_With_A_level 0—no A-Level 1—A-Level |
Migration | Are you aware of yourself or any of your parents being born abroad? | 1—Yes 2—No 99—Do not know Recoded to: Mig_Aware_Y 0—No or Do not know 1—Yes |
House_Language | Do you mainly speak a language other than German in your household? | 1—Yes 2—No Recoded to: Langu_Other_G 0—No 1—Yes |
IPV_Partner_1 | Are you in a relationship or partnership (including marriage)? | 1—Yes 2—No Recoded to: Partner_Y 0—No 1—Yes |
Child_0_B3 Child_3_B6 Child_6_B10 Child_10_B14 Child_14_B18 Child_NO |
Do you have one or more children under the age of 18? | CHILD_0_B3 0 to under 3 years CHILD_3_B6 3 to under 6 years CHILD_6_B10 6 to under 10 years CHILD_10_B14 10 to under 14 years CHILD_14_B18 14 to under 18 years CHILD_NO no children under 18 years 0—Not quoted 1—Quoted Recoded to: child_0_6 (0 to under 6 years) child_6_14 (6 to under 14 years) 0—Not quoted 1—Quoted |
Single_Parent | Are you a single parent? | 1—Yes 2—No Recoded to: Sin_Pare_Y 0—No 1—Yes |
Employment | Are you employed? | 1—Yes 2—No Recoded to: Employ_Y 0—No 1—Yes |
Health | Do you have a job in the health sector? | 1—Yes 2—No Recoded to: Healthjob_Y 0—No 1—Yes |
Self_Employed | Are you a freelancer or self-employed? | 1—Yes 2—No Recoded to: Self_employ_Y 0—No 1—Yes |
Household_Size | How many people permanently live in your household? | 1—Just me 2—2 persons 3—3–4 persons 4—More than 4 persons 88—Not specified Recoded to: Housesize_C_123 1—Just me 2—2 persons 3—≥3 persons 88—Not specified |
Inhabitants | How many inhabitants live in the village or town in which you live? | 1—≤5000 2—5001–20,000 3—20,001–100,000 4—100,001–500,000 5—>500,000 Recoded to: Inhab_C 1—≤20,000 2—20,001–100,000 3—100,001–500,000 4—>500,000 |
Income_HH | What is the total monthly net income of your household? | 1—<EUR 1250 2—EUR 1250–1749 3—EUR 1750–2249 4—EUR 2250–2999 5—EUR 3000–3999 6—EUR 4000–4999 7—≥EUR 5000 88—Not specified Recoded to: Income_C 0—<EUR 1250 1—EUR 1250–2249 2—EUR 2250–3999 3—≥EUR 4000 88—Not specified |
Chronic | Do you have a chronic disease? | 1—Yes 2—No 99—Do not know Recoded to: Chro_Aware_Y 0—No or Do not know 1—Yes |
Infected | Have you or were you infected with the novel coronavirus? | 1—Yes, confirmed 2—Yes, but not yet confirmed 11—Yes, survived 3—No 99—Do not know Recoded to: Infect_Aware_Y 0—No or Do not know 1—Yes (confirmed, not yet confirmed, or survived) |
Instruction for WHO-5 index questionnaire: | The following statements relate to your well-being in the past two weeks. For each statement, please mark the rubric that you think best describes how you have felt in the past two weeks. | |
WHO5_1 | I have felt cheerful and in good spirits. | 1—All of the time 2—Most of the time 3—More than half the time 4—Less than half the time 5—Some of the time 6—At no time Recoded to: WHO5_R_1 0—At no time 1—Some of the time 2—Less than half the time 3—More than half the time 4—Most of the time 5—All of the time |
WHO5_2 | I have felt calm and relaxed. | 1—All of the time 2—Most of the time 3—More than half the time 4—Less than half the time 5—Some of the time 6—At no time Recoded to: WHO5_R_2 0—At no time 1—Some of the time 2—Less than half the time 3—More than half the time 4—Most of the time 5—All of the time |
WHO5_3 | I have felt active and vigorous. | 1—All of the time 2—Most of the time 3—More than half the time 4—Less than half the time 5—Some of the time 6—At no time Recoded to: WHO5_R_3 0—At no time 1—Some of the time 2—Less than half the time 3—More than half the time 4—Most of the time 5—All of the time |
WHO5_4 | I woke up feeling fresh and rested. | 1—All of the time 2—Most of the time 3—More than half the time 4—Less than half the time 5—Some of the time 6—At no time Recoded to: WHO5_R_4 0—At no time 1—Some of the time 2—Less than half the time 3—More than half the time 4—Most of the time 5—All of the time |
WHO5_5 | My daily life has been filled with things that interest me. | 1—All of the time 2—Most of the time 3—More than half the time 4—Less than half the time 5—Some of the time 6—At no time Recoded to: WHO5_R_5 0—At no time 1—Some of the time 2—Less than half the time 3—More than half the time 4—Most of the time 5—All of the time |
Sum of WHO5_R_1 to WHO5_R_5 Recoded to: WHO5_R_sum WHO5_R_sum multiplied by 4 Recoded to: WHO5_T_sum WHO5_T_sum Recoded to: WHO_depression 0—WHO5_T_sum > 50 1—WHO5_T_sum ≤ 50 |