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. 2022 Mar 18;19(6):3602. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063602

Table 2.

Estimates of the nine-factor solution (maladaptive strategies).

Latent Factor Indicator B SE Z p-Value Beta
Self-blame I feel that I am the one to blame for it 0.831 0.058 14.275 0 0.833
Self-blame I feel that I am the one who is responsible for what has happened 0.747 0.056 13.313 0 0.722
Self-blame I think that basically the cause must lie within myself 0.640 0.050 12.808 0 0.670
Blaming others I feel that others are to blame for it 0.759 0.059 12.789 0 0.802
Blaming others I feel that others are responsible for what has happened 0.872 0.068 12.919 0 0.858
Blaming others I feel that basically the cause lies with others 0.739 0.060 12.405 0 0.738
Rumination I often think about how I feel about what I have experienced 0.583 0.052 11.194 0 0.493
Rumination I am preoccupied with what I think and feel about what I have experienced 0.776 0.054 14.273 0 0.734
Rumination I dwell upon the feelings the situation has evoked in me 0.947 0.064 14.745 0 0.793
Catastrophising I keep thinking about how terrible it is what I have experienced 0.931 0.057 16.198 0 0.778
Catastrophising I often think that what I have experienced is the worst that can happen to a person 0.468 0.042 11.077 0 0.435
Catastrophising I continually think how horrible the situation has been 0.957 0.059 16.231 0 0.783

Note. B = Estimate Factor Loadings; SE = Standard Error; Beta = Standardized Factor Loadings.